E-Jurnal Manajemen [e-ISSN 2302-8912] is an electronic scientific journal published online once a month. E-Jurnal Manajemen aims to improve the scientific quality and channel the interest in sharing and disseminating knowledge to academics, students, practitioners, and observers of science in the field of management. The Scientific of E-Jurnal Manajemen is published by Management Study Program in collaboration with Association of Indonesian Economic Bachelor (ISEI branch of Denpasar) and Association of Indonesian Management and Business Programs Study (APSMBI)
E-Jurnal Manajemen received writing on the results of studies in the fields of marketing management, financial management, human resource management, and entrepreneurial management, including (but not limited) to the following topics:
- Human Resource Management,
- Financial Management,
- Marketing Management,
- Strategic Management,
- Organizational Behavior,
- Operations Management,
- Change Management,
- Management of Sharia,
- Knowledge Management
- Entrepreneurship,
- E-Business,
- Capital Market
both empirical and theoretical studies that have never and will not be published in other media.
IMPORTANT: Before submit a manuscript, make sure that your paper is prepared using E-Jurnal Manajemen TEMPLATE FOR SUBMISSION, has been proofread and polished carefully, and conformed to the E-Jurnal Manajemen AUTHOR GUIDELINES.
Full Issue
Abstract views: 289, 1 - 31 PDF downloads: 724
Abstract views: 438, 32 - 59 PDF downloads: 2430
Abstract views: 757, 60 - 86 PDF downloads: 3259
Abstract views: 236, 87 - 115 PDF downloads: 707
Abstract views: 691, 116 - 145 PDF downloads: 1978
Abstract views: 261, 146 - 175 PDF downloads: 526
Abstract views: 361, 176 - 203 PDF downloads: 657
Abstract views: 201, 204 - 234 PDF downloads: 1122
Abstract views: 1128, 235 - 263 PDF downloads: 4967
Abstract views: 332, 264 - 288 PDF downloads: 853
Abstract views: 433, 289 - 316 PDF downloads: 1596
Abstract views: 155, 317 - 346 PDF downloads: 621
Abstract views: 605, 347 - 374 PDF downloads: 1497
Abstract views: 410, 375 - 401 PDF downloads: 3365
Abstract views: 167, 402 - 430 PDF downloads: 288
Abstract views: 176, 431 - 462 PDF downloads: 237
Abstract views: 215, 463 - 491 PDF downloads: 190
Abstract views: 412, 492 - 520 PDF downloads: 1265
Abstract views: 364, 521 - 549 PDF downloads: 902
Abstract views: 448, 550 - 578 PDF downloads: 531