Peningkatan Kadar Protein Putak melalui Fermentasi oleh Kapang Trichoderma reesei (THE INCREASE OF PROTEIN LEVEL FROM PUTAK THROUGH FERMENTATION OF FUNGI TRICHODERMA REESEI)

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Maritje Aleonor Hilakore Suryahadi . Komang Wiryawan Djumali Mangunwijaya


A study was conducted was to increasing the protein level in putak by fermentation using fungiTrichoderma reesei. A laboratoryum experimental study was conducted using  factorial CompletelyRandomized Design 3 x 4 x 3. The main factor is were  inoculant levels of fungi T. reesei (T): 5,0; 7,5 and 10,0% (w/w),the level  and the second factor were of incubation time (W):  2; 3; and 4 days. Variables tested werecrude protein (CP), true protein (TP) and crude fiber (CF). The result showed that  treatment with 7.5% ofT.reesei  and incubation time for 4 days gawe the highest of crude and true protein level (20,60%)  from14,17% and 13,25% from 3,25%, and  lowest crude fiber 9,08% from 9,70%. Through fermentation of  fungiT.reesei can be increase the protein and decrease the fiber level of putak.


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How to Cite
HILAKORE, Maritje Aleonor et al. Peningkatan Kadar Protein Putak melalui Fermentasi oleh Kapang Trichoderma reesei (THE INCREASE OF PROTEIN LEVEL FROM PUTAK THROUGH FERMENTATION OF FUNGI TRICHODERMA REESEI). Jurnal Veteriner, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 2, p. 250-254, sep. 2013. ISSN 2477-5665. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 feb. 2025.
Corypha, gebang, putak, T. reesei