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I Komang Leo Puja Artana Dewa Made Wiharta Linawati Linawati


Technological developments have been utilized in various fields of science, including
agriculture. Technology support in agriculture has been proven to be able to provide better
production results. In this study, an IoT-based agricultural environmental monitoring system
was developed. The system was built using Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and data
processing center, equipped with a moisture sensor and a DHT 11 temperature sensor. This
system was applied to a laboratory-scale strawberry farm. The system works automatically to
regulate the temperature and humidity of the plant environment. If the temperature and
humidity of the strawberry plants do not meet the standards, the pump will automatically water
to keep the strawberry plants at the appropriate temperature and humidity. The system is also
equipped with a notification feature so that strawberry farmers can obtain information through
telegram media when the temperature of the strawberry plants is hot and the soil of the
strawberry plants is dry. This tool is also equipped with a webcam camera as an additional
feature that serves to detect the level of ripeness of the strawberries in terms of the color of the
fruit. The camera will detect the color of the strawberry, and if the strawberry is red, the
strawberry is categorized as ripe, and the farmer will get a notification via telegram in the form
of a picture that the strawberry is ready to be harvested.


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How to Cite
LEO PUJA ARTANA, I Komang; WIHARTA, Dewa Made; LINAWATI, Linawati. RANCANG BANGUN PERTANIAN STROBERI BERBASIS INTERNET OF THINGS. Jurnal SPEKTRUM, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 4, p. 1-6, dec. 2020. ISSN 2684-9186. Available at: <https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/spektrum/article/view/67291>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.24843/SPEKTRUM.2020.v07.i04.p1.

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