Analisa Morfologi, Serap Bunyi dan Kekuatan Tarik Biokomposit Getah Pinus dan Serbuk Kayu Jati dengan Perlakuan NaOH

  • Hafidz Ikromuddin
  • NPG Suardana
  • CIPK Kencanawati


The need for good materials requires scientists to use natural and artificial material waste to be processed into more useful things. Variations in NaOH treatment are without immersion, 5%, 10% and 15% NaOH. Large percentage of fusion uses volume fraction with teak powder by 65% and pine resin matrix by 35%. The size of teak wood powder used is 8 mesh ? a ? 7 mesh. Noise absorption testing using two microphone impedance tubes with ISO 10534-2: 1998 and ASTM E:1050:1998 standards. The tensile test is performed with a tool with astm standard D 638-03. The results of the test obtained the highest sound absorption strength in specimen concentrations of 5% NaOH with a value of 0.69 at a frequency of 300 Hz. The maximum pressure value and also the highest strain are at the concentration of 5% NaOH of 4.28 MPa and 5.00%
Keywords : NaOH, Teak Wood Powder, Pine Resin, Biocomposite


IKROMUDDIN, Hafidz; SUARDANA, NPG; KENCANAWATI, CIPK. Analisa Morfologi, Serap Bunyi dan Kekuatan Tarik Biokomposit Getah Pinus dan Serbuk Kayu Jati dengan Perlakuan NaOH. Teknik Desain Mekanika, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 4, oct. 2021. ISSN 2302-5182. Tersedia pada: <>. Tanggal Akses: 07 feb. 2025


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