• Nadia Fatikha Rachma Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
  • Atik Winanti Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta


Tujuan studi ini untuk mengetahui status hukum penggunaan debt collector terhadap penarikan kendaraan yang telah dijaminkan dalam fidusia dan untuk mengetahui aturan yang seharusnya diterapkan terkait penggunaan debt collector dalam melaksanakan penarikan terhadap kendaraan yang dijaminkan fidusia. Studi ini mengadopsi metode penelitian hukum secara normatif berpendekatan perundangan. Temuan penelitian ini adalah sampai saat ini status hukum penggunaan debt collectorterhadap penarikan kendaraan yang telah dijaminkan dalam fidusia belum ditata secara tegas pada peraturan perundang-undangan. Aturan UU Jaminan Fidusia menjadi masalah tersendiri sebab undang-undang fidusia tidak mengatur ketentuan penggunaan debt collector dalam melaksanakan penarikan terhadap kendaraan yang dijaminkan fidusia. Adapun aturan penggunaan debt collector terhadap penarikan kendaraan yang telah dijaminkan dalam fidusia diatur melalui aturan perundang-undangan lain seperti: POJK 35/2018. Di satu sisi, undang-undang jaminan fidusia no.42/1999 telah mengatur terkait implementasi pengeksekusian fidusia diantaranya dalam pasal 15, pasal29, dan pasal 30. Sesuai keputusan MK 18/PUU-XVII/2019 adanya fidusia ini seharusnya mampu menjamin pemenuhan hak debitur saat tidak mampu membayar cicilan kreditnya, dilakukan dengan prosedur yang benar sesuai hukum bukan dengan penarikan kendaraan jaminan fidusia secara paksa.

This study attempts to ascertain the legal status of the use of debt collectors to withdraw vehicles that have been pledged as fiduciaries and to find out the rules that should be applied regarding the use of debt collectors in carrying out withdrawals of vehicles secured as fiduciaries. This study adopts normative legal research methods with a statutory approach. The findings of this research are that until now the legal status of the use of debt collectors to withdraw vehicles that have been pledged as fiduciary has not been regulated in statutory regulations. The rules of the Fiduciary Guarantee Law are a problem in themselves because the fiduciary law does not regulate the provisions for the use of debt collectors in carrying out withdrawals on vehicles guaranteed by fiduciaries. The rules for using debt collectors for withdrawing vehicles that have been pledged as fiduciary are regulated through other statutory regulations such as POJK 35/2018. On the one hand, the Fiduciary Guarantee Act of 1999, number 42 regulates the implementation of fiduciary execution, including in Article 15, article 29, and Article 30. By constitutional judge number 18/PUU-XVII/2019's ruling, the existence of this fiduciary should be able to guarantee the fulfillment of the debtor's rights when he is unable to pay his credit installments, carried out using the correct procedures by the law, not by forcefully withdrawing the fiduciary collateral.


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How to Cite
RACHMA, Nadia Fatikha; WINANTI, Atik. STATUS HUKUM PENGGUNAAN DEBT COLLECTOR DALAM PENARIKAN KENDARAAN JAMINAN FIDUSIA. Kertha Semaya : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 5, p. 976-986, jan. 2024. ISSN 2303-0569. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: