Enhancing Cultural Heritage Tourism Through a Spiritual Knowledge: The Implementation of Tri Hita Karana in Taro Village Gianyar Bali


Spiritual knowledge has been found significant in environmental conservation, yet its role in developing tourism is under-researched. This study aims to explore the potential of spiritual knowledge and how it is being implemented in rural tourism practices. Tri Hita Karana becomes an underpinning spiritual knowledge under this study enquiry, with Taro village was the case study. Taro reflects the community’s spiritual wisdom in their destination management. Data was collected through direct interviews with 7 key informants and observations to 3 sites. Findings showed that the implementation of Tri Hita Karana was found significant in designing three temples as tourist attractions. The implementations were identified in introducing socio-cultural functions (pawongan), maintaining spiritual uniqueness (parahyangan), and sustaining sacred architecture landscape (palemahan). The present study contributes to the cultural heritage management by emphasising spiritual knowledge in designing cultural heritage attractions. The findings can practically suggest incorporating spiritual knowledge in the heritage tourism management.


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List of Informants
I Nyoman Tunjung, The Chief of Taro Kaja Desa Taro Tegallalang Gianyar Bali. Interviews were conducted on Thursday August 19, 2021, Friday September 24, 2021 and October 6, 2021

I Wayan Balok, The Owner of Moringga Homestay, Taro Tourism Village. Interviews were conducted on September 28, 2021, Friday September 24, 2021, Saturday December 11, 2021, Saturday January 15, 2022.

I Wayan Gede Ardika, The Head of Pokdarwis Taro Tourism Village, Tegallalang, Gianyar, Bali. Interviews were conducted on Thursday, August 19, 2021 and Friday, September 24, 2021, October 6, 2021 and Saturday, January 22, 2022.

I Wayan Warka, The Headman of Taro Village. Interviews were conducted on Thursday, August 19, 2022, Friday, September 24, 2022, Saturday, November 20, 2021 and Saturday, January 22, 2022.

Jero Mangku Gede, The Gunung Raung Grand Temple, Taro Village. The interview was conducted on October 6, 2021.

Ketut Swabawa, CHA, Taro Tourism Village Facilitator/DPP Expert. Interview conducted on Saturday, February 05, 2022
How to Cite
WIRAWAN, Putu Eka; DEVI ROSALINA, Putu. Enhancing Cultural Heritage Tourism Through a Spiritual Knowledge: The Implementation of Tri Hita Karana in Taro Village Gianyar Bali. Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 215-233, apr. 2024. ISSN 2580-0698. Available at: <https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/kajianbali/article/view/101358>. Date accessed: 03 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.24843/JKB.2024.v14.i01.p10.

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