Pengelolaan Konservasi Penyu Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Di Pantai Kuta
This study aims to determine the management of turtle conservation as a tourist attraction on
Kuta Beach which is in a mass tourism area so it does not threaten the existence of turtle species that lay
their eggs on Kuta Beach. How is the development of turtle conservation as a tourist attraction on Kuta
Beach that pays attention to the balance between natural resources and tourism activities on Kuta
The type of data used in this study are primary and secondary data types. Data collection
techniques used in this study were observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The technique of
determining informants using purposive sampling. While the data analysis technique uses descriptive
qualitative analysis.
The results of research conducted that the management of sea turtles conservation as a tourist
attraction in Kuta Beach is very unique for domestic and foreign tourists because it is located in the mass
tourism area. However, conservation support facilities are inadequate and the need for collaboration
between stakeholders, namely the government, non government organization and the community to
preserve sea turtles in Kuta Beach from the threat of garbage and wild animals.
Keywords: Conservation Management, Sea Turtles, Kuta Beach