Sustainable Coastal Tourism Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Di Kawasan Rekreasi Pantai Terbuka Kota Denpasar
This study aims to describe the potential of coastal tourism at the Open Beach of Denpasar City. Denpasar City is
administratively divided into 4 sub-districts from west to east, namely West Denpasar District, East Denpasar District, North
Denpasar District, and South Denpasar District. One of the coastal tourism in Denpasar City is located in the Open Beach
Recreation Area which stretches on the coast of Sanur Kaja Village to Sanur Kauh Village, where the Sanur village community has
managed natural resources by paying attention to environmental balance and harmony.
This study applies the Principles of Sustainable Coastal Tourism which are described as follows: 1. The Principle of
Balance Tourism management must be based on a commitment to a balanced pattern between economic development, socioculture,
and conservation, 2. The Principle of Community Participation Involving the community in the management of tourism
businesses, 3. Principles of Conservation Have concern, responsibility, and commitment to environmental conservation (nature and
culture), 4. Principles of Integrated Management pay attention to ecosystem conditions and synergize with the development of
various sectors, 5. Principles of Law Enforcement Tourism management must be developed following applicable regulations.
The analytical technique used in this study is an analytical technique using a qualitative descriptive approach to
determining the informants in this study, the researchers chose the snowball sampling technique, which is the direction used by the
researcher where when the researcher does not know much about the research population, it is expected to provide an overview
and analysis of the policy. the government in government policies related to the development of coastal tourism based on local
wisdom in the Denpasar City Open Beach Recreation Area
Keyword: Coastal Tourism, Potential, Tourism, Principles of Sustainable