• Nyoman Sudresti
  • Komang Ayu Mustriwati
  • Made Oka Ari Kamayani


Dalam penerapan pelayanan yang mengacu pada patient safety ada beberapa standar yang perlu diimplementasikan, salah satu standar tersebut adalah penerapan timbang terima menggunakan komunikasi dengan metode Situation, Background, Assesement and Recommendation (SBAR). Melalui pendekatan bedside handover maka perawat dapat memastikan keselamatan pasien yang mencakup lingkungan pasien seperti posisi tempat tidur, alat-alat medis disamping pasien berfungsi dengan baik dan  memastikan terapi medikasi yang diberikan sesuai program. Pelaksanaan bedside handover yang berkualitas akan mampu menggali data tentang pasien. Penelitian ini merupakan non-eksperimen, dengan rancangan korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Ruang Ratna dari tanggal 15-31 Januari 2015 dengan teknik time sampling, diperoleh sampel sebanyak 8 responden (group handover). Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi. Hasil pelaksanaan metode komunikasi SBAR kriteria cukup menempati urutan tertinggi yaitu sebanyak 4 responden (50%) dengan  komponen situation tertinggi yaitu 39,53% dan komponen terendah yaitu background yaitu 10,47%. Hasil pengukuran terhadap kualitas pelaksanaan bedside handover kriteria cukup menempati urutan tertinggi yaitu 4 responden (50%), dengan komponen tertinggi adalah assurance (jaminan) yaitu sebesar 21,24% dan terendah yaitu dimensi responsiveness (kesigapan/tanggap) sebesar 17,18%. Hasil analisa data diperoleh ada hubungan penggunaan metode komunikasi SBAR dengan kualitas pelaksanaan bedside handover dengan hubungan yang kuat dan arah korelasi hubungan positif dengan p value sebesar 0,032. Berdasarkan hasil temuan diatas disarankan agar mengadakan pelatihan dan simulasi/ roleplay pelaksanaan komunikasi SBAR dan bedside handover.

Kata kunci: komunikasi sbar, bedside handover



Nurses implement measurable standards assessment using the Situation, Background, assessment and Recommendation (SBAR) during handover to ensure patient safety. Aspects of patient safety include patient's environment such as the position of the bed, medical devices in addition to the patient's functioning properly and make sure appropriate medication therapy is administered correctly. The implementation of bedside handover provides information about patient care This study is a non-experimental, correlational design with cross sectional approach. The study was conducted at Ratna ward Sanglah Hospital using purposive sampling technique. Eight respondents were recruited and then observed during the bedside handover process. The results of the implementation of the SBAR communication method showed sufficient criteria were the highest as many as four respondents (50%) with the highest situation component (39.53%) and the lowest component is the background that is 10.47%. The results of the measurement of the quality of the implementation of bedside handover sufficient criteria were the highest is 4 respondents (50%), with the highest component is the assurance (guarantee) that is equal to 21.24% and its low responsiveness dimension (alertness / response) of 17.18%. The results of the data analysis obtained there was significant relationship using SBAR communication method with the quality of bedside handover with strong relationships and toward positive correlation with p value of 0.032(p<0,05). Based on the above findings suggested that training and simulation using SBAR communication at bedside handover.


Keywords: SBAR Communication, Bedside Handover


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How to Cite
SUDRESTI, Nyoman; MUSTRIWATI, Komang Ayu; KAMAYANI, Made Oka Ari. HUBUNGAN PENGGUNAAN KOMUNIKASI SBAR DENGAN KUALITAS PELAKSANAAN BEDSIDE HANDOVER. Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 73-80, aug. 2017. ISSN 2715-1980. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.

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