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I Gede Agus Januar Ariawan Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari I Wayan Sukerayasa


The utilization of renewable energy can be a solution to support the supply of electrical
energy, one of which is the use of solar energy with rooftop solar panels. In this study, the roof
of the Graha Sewaka Dharma Building was used as a location for the design of rooftop solar
power plants to be able to help with electrical energy needs and support government programs
in developing the use of solar energy. The total roof area of Graha Sewaka Dharma Building is
1,616.37 m2. This design uses a battery-free On-grid PLTS system using a Solaria PowerXT-
400R-PM solar module with a capacity of 400 Wp and a Ginlong Solis S5-GC36K-LV inverter
with a capacity of 36 kW. This design will calculate the capacity of solar modules that can be
installed and the electrical energy produced with the limitation of the roof area and load profile in
the Graha Sewaka Dharma Building. Based on the results of the study, the capacity of the
rooftop PLTS installed in the Graha Sewaka Dharma Building is 188.8 kWp with a total of 472
solar module units and 6 inverter units. The energy output produced per year (energy yield) is
306,2 MWh/year. The investment feasibility study using the methods Net Present Value,
Profitability Index, and Discounted Payback Period shows that this design investment is
feasible. Further research is recommended to study the impact of reducing carbon emissions on
the use of the PV grid.


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AGUS JANUAR ARIAWAN, I Gede; DWI GIRIANTARI, Ida Ayu; SUKERAYASA, I Wayan. PERANCANGAN PLTS ATAP DI GEDUNG GRAHA SEWAKA DHARMA. Jurnal SPEKTRUM, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 3, p. 9-18, oct. 2021. ISSN 2684-9186. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025. doi:

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