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Indonesia is known as the archipelago country, in which the islands are connected
by the sea. As the archipelago country Indonesia has a lot of good nature resources both in
land including coastal area and in the sea, so that Indonesia is also known as maritime
country. However, because the society does not have enough knowledge in managing them
many of the nature resources become damaged. This is also caused by the people in their
own activities for earning a living do not take care of the sustainability of the living and
non living resources and their ecosystem.
The mountaineering area of Mangrove in Teluk Benoa Bali having the status as the
forest preserve or protected forest named TAHURA Ngurah Rai, cannot avoid the
pressures caused by the changes and the conversion. The mangrove forest tends to give
benefits for little society, but those societies actually decrease its support and its capacity
such as; making fishpond, garbage disposal, housing, reclamation, fuel pipeline, etc. This
situation, of course, decreases the better function and advantages of the mangrove forest in
Teluk Benoa. It needs an analysis to determine the social benefits and economic value of
the forest mangrove itself so that if it is conserved with the conservation scenario, which is
in the future can be used by the policy maker for determining the management option, it
will be known if the land conversion of the mangrove can be done or allowed to happen
Then through the analysis of economic for environment by using investment, that is
Net Present Value/NPV, B-C Ratio (also by considering the changes of condition of
sensitivity analysis) and total economic value especially for the purpose of preservation
with the conservation scenario it is concluded that the preservation of the mangrove forest
give social benefit of Rp. 94.288.557,59 per hectare a year and the increase investment
cost and routine is 10% and the decrease of the price is 5% giving social benefit of Rp.
93.003.794,32 and Rp. 88.931.748,08. In normal condition the increase investment cost
and routine is 10% and the decrease of the price is 5% giving NPV in a row; Rp.
831.903.896, 27; Rp. 818.526.222, 18 and Rp. 783.619.864,41 per hectare per year. The
same condition like above gives B-C Ratio in a row; 7,22; 6,56 and 6,86. This shows that
in any kind of condition the preservation of the mangrove forest in Teluk Benoa Bali is
suitable to do. The total value of the economic also shows the yearly asset value of the
society in the form of nature resources/ mangrove forest of this area (1,373,5 hectare) is in
the three conditions; Rp.129.505.333.853,32; Rp.127.740.711.499,67 and
Rp..147.755.983,83 a year.
According to those conclusion it can suggested that the function of mangrove forest
in Teluk Benoa Bali can be managed accordingly so that the environmental function can
run well. Besides, economic value can be used as the reference for coastal management to


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WIRADHARMA, I GUSTI BAGUS MADE; ANTARA, MADE. PELESTARIAN HUTAN MANGROVE DI TELUK BENOA BALI: TINJAUAN DARI ASPEK EKONOMI LINGKUNGAN. SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, [S.l.], nov. 2012. ISSN 2615-6628. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 mar. 2025.
Preservation, Conservation, Social Benefit, Total Economic Value, Sustainability

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