SOCA : Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian in Indonesian, is published by the Department of Socioeconomics of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University. SOCA obtained its p-ISSN Number (1411-7177) on 29 May 2007. In 2003, SOCA was accredited by the Department of National Education through the Decree of Ministry of Education and Culture No.34 / Dikti / Kep / 2003 - long before the use of p-ISSN was required for journals. Later on, the Department of Socioeconomics of Agriculture changed its name into Agribusiness Study Program (following the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia No. 163 / Diki / Kep / 2007 on the Arrangement and Codification of Study Programs) but the journal maintained its name. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the management team, SOCA was reaccredited through the Decree No.108 / Dikti / Kep / 2007, dated August 23, 2007 (ended in August 2010). SOCA improved its management system by obtaining operational permit of electronic-journal on March 19, 2018 which allowed the journal to publish online editions with e-ISSN series No. 2615-6628. In 2019, SOCA was reaccredited SINTA-3 (number 28 / E / KPT / 2019) that is valid until vol. 16, No. 1, Year 2022. After SOCA obtained its SINTA-3 accreditation in 2019, the journal was reaccredited as SINTA-2 journal in 2020 (Decision Letter 200/M/KTP/2020, valid until volume 19 No. 2 Year 2025)

SOCA accommodates original thinking with a focus on the socioeconomic sector of agriculture and agribusiness in the scope of: agricultural sociology, agricultural extension, development communication, farm management, financial management, supply chain, business and entrepreneurship. These various original thoughts could be in the form of research results, theoretical studies, methodological studies, seminar reviews, book reviews, and reviews of actual agricultural development issues in general.

SOCA is essentially a sharing platform for authors, where junior writers with brilliant ideas, concepts and research results could gain experience from senior writers and benefit from those  experienced writers as mentors to guide and motivate, so they could write better. SOCA is expected to become a place for dissemination of ideas, permanent scientific record and to build reputation for these writers before stepping into more competitive realm of reputable international journals.

SOCA is published three times a year. As of 2020, SOCA publishes in January, May and September (previously February, August and December) due to considerations related with most universities’ academic timeline so the journal could accommodate more works from junior writers or beginners. SOCA publishes 10-15 scripts in each issue. To improve the quality of manuscripts and to reach broader international audiences SOCA will start publishing articles in English starting from Vol. 14 No. May 2, 2020 edition. The review process will still be done in Indonesian and quality articles will be subsequently translated in English by SOCA translators (Author Fee). SOCA only accepts manuscripts that have never been published and are not in the process of publication in other journals. The writing procedure follows the requirements in accordance with those described in the author guidelines.

At the moment SOCA still accepts manuscripts via email, because email is still a technical problem solving which we often experience with OJS technical systems

Vol 18 No 2 (2024): Vol 18 No 2 (2024)

The Competitiveness of Indonesian Natural Rubber in World Trade on the Agreed Export Tonnage Scheme Policy

Aripranata Aripranata, Supat Isarangkool Na Ayutthaya, Sukanlaya Choenkwan

77 - 98

Abstract views: 405, pdf downloads: 56

Competitiveness of Indonesian Clove Exports in the International Market

Gerry Andrianto Simarmata, Suryani Nurfadilla, Titik Ekowati

99 - 121

Abstract views: 233, pdf downloads: 295

Budget Planning Revenue Sources and the Use of Village Expenditure

Luh Putu Parendra Indra Devi, I Ketut Suamba, Gede Mekse Korri Arisena, Rahayu Relawati

122 - 144

Abstract views: 156, pdf downloads: 147

The Impacts of Crowding Restaurant Image and Consumer Satisfaction on The Intention to Revisit

Priskilah Febi Widya Ningrum, Agustina Shinta Hartati Wahyuningtyas, Dwi Retno Andriani

145 - 164

Abstract views: 142, pdf downloads: 210

Effectiveness of Food Barn in Improving Rice Farmers Income

Refa'ul Khairiyakh, Hani Perwitasari, Herdiana Anggrasari

165 - 181

Abstract views: 251, pdf downloads: 124

Laying Hen Farming as Agribusiness Potential

Anak Agung Istri Agung Peradnya Dewi, Moh Saifulloh

182 - 198

Abstract views: 124, pdf downloads: 165
Abstract views: 130, pdf downloads: 133
Abstract views: 122, pdf downloads: 20
Abstract views: 130, pdf downloads: 111

Assessing the Conversion of Rice Land and Its Implications for Farmers' Welfare In Bali Province, Indonesia

I Made Sudarma, Anak Agung Ayu Wulandira Sawitri Djelantik, Geetha Mohan, Indrek Melts, Aki Kadulin, Abd Rahman As syakur

255 - 266

Abstract views: 158, pdf downloads: 189
View All Issues

SOCA merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan berkala di bidang social-ekonomi pertanian dan agribisnis.