ANALISIS PEMASARAN KOMODITI PANILI (Studi kasus di Propinsi Sulawesi Utara)
Main Article Content
This study was conducted in 2002 dan took place in Province of North Sulawesi
North. Sub-Province of Minahasa as one of the North Sulawesi center of vanilla production
was chosen for location of study. The objectives of study were: (i)to analyze the
profitability of vanilla farm, ( ii) to identify the channel of vanilla marketing dan, its
margin in each agent of marketing, dan ( iii) to analyze the role of attribute of product
quality to vanilla price. Research used method of survey structure. Primary data were
collected from 60 farmers, 15 merchants, 5 product processing, dan 2 exporters. While
secondary data were collected from Central Agency of Statistics, the Office of Estate
Crops, reports of Research Institute, dan others relating to this study. Results showed, that
in one cycle of production ( 10 year), vanilla farm required production cost about Rp.86,4
million per hectare consisting of labor fee ( 82,7%), input productions ( 11,4%), dan other
costs ( 5,9%). It took a total production of Rp.209,3 million dan a total income of
Rp.122,9 million per hectare. Efficiency rate of vanilla farm was enough high. With
interest rate 24 dan 30 %, vanilla farm reached B/C Ratio of 3,58 dan 2,45, dan reached
NPV of Rp.35,03 million dan Rp.26,07 million, respectively. Value of IRR indicated that
vanilla farm would reach break-even point in interest rate of 74,6 percent. The channel of
vanilla marketing was still modestly, farmer as vanilla producer at most selling to small
(collecting) merchant ( 50%), large merchant ( 40%), dan large merchant/exporter ( 10%).
A highest marketing margin was obtained by large merchant/exporter (Rp.7.000/kg), large
merchant (Rp.4.495/kg), dan small merchant (Rp.1.885/kg). The price of vanilla was
determined by diameter, long, dan color of fruit where long of fruit gave a biggest
parameter, namely 0.67. It means that accretion of fruit length equal to 10 percent will
improve the vanilla price equal to 6.7 percent. Some suggestions to increasing productivity
dan quality of vanilla product were; ( i) knowledge dan skilled of farmer have to be
improved continuously in line with the increasing of new innovation, ( ii) role of farmer
group have to be improved, dan (iii) private sector as agent of agribusiness like product
processing dan exporter have to include in assisting farmer. Their participation were very
expected to assist farmer, especially in maintaining vanilla crops, supplying input of
production, dan marketing.
North. Sub-Province of Minahasa as one of the North Sulawesi center of vanilla production
was chosen for location of study. The objectives of study were: (i)to analyze the
profitability of vanilla farm, ( ii) to identify the channel of vanilla marketing dan, its
margin in each agent of marketing, dan ( iii) to analyze the role of attribute of product
quality to vanilla price. Research used method of survey structure. Primary data were
collected from 60 farmers, 15 merchants, 5 product processing, dan 2 exporters. While
secondary data were collected from Central Agency of Statistics, the Office of Estate
Crops, reports of Research Institute, dan others relating to this study. Results showed, that
in one cycle of production ( 10 year), vanilla farm required production cost about Rp.86,4
million per hectare consisting of labor fee ( 82,7%), input productions ( 11,4%), dan other
costs ( 5,9%). It took a total production of Rp.209,3 million dan a total income of
Rp.122,9 million per hectare. Efficiency rate of vanilla farm was enough high. With
interest rate 24 dan 30 %, vanilla farm reached B/C Ratio of 3,58 dan 2,45, dan reached
NPV of Rp.35,03 million dan Rp.26,07 million, respectively. Value of IRR indicated that
vanilla farm would reach break-even point in interest rate of 74,6 percent. The channel of
vanilla marketing was still modestly, farmer as vanilla producer at most selling to small
(collecting) merchant ( 50%), large merchant ( 40%), dan large merchant/exporter ( 10%).
A highest marketing margin was obtained by large merchant/exporter (Rp.7.000/kg), large
merchant (Rp.4.495/kg), dan small merchant (Rp.1.885/kg). The price of vanilla was
determined by diameter, long, dan color of fruit where long of fruit gave a biggest
parameter, namely 0.67. It means that accretion of fruit length equal to 10 percent will
improve the vanilla price equal to 6.7 percent. Some suggestions to increasing productivity
dan quality of vanilla product were; ( i) knowledge dan skilled of farmer have to be
improved continuously in line with the increasing of new innovation, ( ii) role of farmer
group have to be improved, dan (iii) private sector as agent of agribusiness like product
processing dan exporter have to include in assisting farmer. Their participation were very
expected to assist farmer, especially in maintaining vanilla crops, supplying input of
production, dan marketing.
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Article Details
How to Cite
ANALISIS PEMASARAN KOMODITI PANILI (Studi kasus di Propinsi Sulawesi Utara).
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, [S.l.], nov. 2012.
ISSN 2615-6628.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 mar. 2025.
Vanilla, Farm, Marketing, North Sulawesi.