• I Made Dwi Saputra


This research examines the short story pupulan Jalir Luh Mas Ruscitadewi Sagung AA
works. In the short story, there are nine short stories, and sources of data in this study there are
five stories that Jalir Luh, Magalung, Purusa, Tepen Bulan and Buung. This research using the
theory of functions. Methods and techniques in the study were divided into three stages, namely
stages refer to the provision of data using methods supported by technical translation and
recording techniques. Stage of data analysis using descriptive qualitative analytic techniques.
Stage presentation of results of data analysis using informal methods supported by deductive
and inductive techniques. The Functions contained in the short story Jalir Luh, Magalung,
Purusa, Tepen Bulan and Buung include religious functions which can be used as a guide to
behave. The function of education to discuss the moral education contained in the household
and socially. Social functions that loyalty has a function to teach us to always be faithful to your
partner and female functions can now also holds the status as purusa is always synonymous
with men.


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How to Cite
SAPUTRA, I Made Dwi. FUNGSI PUPULAN CERPEN LUH JALIR. Humanis, [S.l.], feb. 2014. ISSN 2302-920X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.


short story, Luh Jalir, function.