• Ni Kadek Ety Dwiyantari


The title of this research is Kontrastivitas Interjeksi Bahasa Jepang dan Bahasa
Bali. The discussion of this study is focused on the analysis of the comparison of
Japanese interjection (kandoushi) and Balinese interjection (kruna pakeengan). The
background of this topic is the existence of a word class in Japanese and Balinese that
has the same expression of speaker emotional feelings called interjection. The purpose of
this study is to understand the types and meaning of kandoushi and kruna pakeengan, as
well as comparing both of them.
The results of this study showed that there are similarities and differences
between kandoushi and kruna pakeengan. The similarities between kandoushi and kruna
pakeengan contain a variety of forms such as repetition, meaningful expression of
emotional from the speakers whose meaning depends on the context of situation. In a
sentence, interjection can work independently, and interjection can be abbreviated. The
differences of kandoushi and kruna pakeengan are in the use of kondoushi there is level
of politeness, greeting utterances, the utterance of agree or disagree toward the other
person and the writing of punctuation kondushi in variety of language depends on the
context of situation. Meanwhile, in the form of kruna pakeengan, the interjection of voice
and the expression is more emphasis on the speaker command despite it was a noun, a
verb, an adjective, or other word class.


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How to Cite
DWIYANTARI, Ni Kadek Ety. KONTRASTIVITAS INTERJEKSI BAHASA JEPANG DAN BAHASA BALI. Humanis, [S.l.], feb. 2014. ISSN 2302-920X. Available at: <https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/sastra/article/view/8054>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.


interjection, kandoushi, kruna pakeengan.