• Putu Eka Maharani


The research about functions of Geguritan Pikukuh Jagat are aimed to understand the
elements of functions, and to analyze how this Geguritan Pikukuh Jagat role in Balinese Hindu
community. The main theory of this research was theory of functions. The theory of functions
which was used to analyze the implicit functions of Geguritan Pikukuh Jagat was taken bared
on some opinions by Luxemburg, Damono, dan Endaswara.In research, methods and
techniques was divided into three steps, providing data, analyzing data and presenting data.
Providing data used refer method, observe understanding the text with translation technique.
Analyzing data used qualitative method, and descriptive analytic technique. Presenting data
used the informal method.
The functions contained in Geguritan can be used as a religious guidan because
geguritan contained ideology of Hindu which can be used by people are the guidelines to
behave better, leadership function discusses about how to be a good leader, which has to
concern about group necessity rather than selfish necessity. Social function has a function as
the guidelines concerned to unity and solidarity in the social life community, also as a
comprehension which can be implemented and applied in our daily life.
Keyword : geguritan, Pikukuh Jagat, functions
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How to Cite
MAHARANI, Putu Eka. FUNGSI GEGURITAN PIKUKUH JAGAT. Humanis, [S.l.], sep. 2013. ISSN 2302-920X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 oct. 2024.


geguritan, Pikukuh Jagat, functions