• Ni Nyoman Ayu Juniantari


Research Parwa Data Candrabhanu and Peparikan Data Candrabhanu aims to
uncover the intertextual relationships and meanings contained in the two texts.
Transformation Parwa Data Candrabhanu and Peparikan Data Candrabhanu story this
incident involving linkage, plot, character and characterization, setting, theme and mandate as
well as reveal the difference between the two, after that proceed to give a description of the
meaning contained in the two texts. At the end of this study can be seen that the
transformation in Parwa Data Candrabhanu and Peparikan Data Candrabhanu done well
despite the addition and subtraction in Peparikan Data Candrabhanu.
........... This study is based on the structural theory proposed by Teeuw, intertextual theory
proposed by Kristeva and semiotic theory advanced by Sudjiman. The method used in this
study is a descriptive analytic method assisted with translation techniques to facilitate the
analysis according to the problem under study.
........... From this analysis it can be concluded that the story of parwa and peparikan has
prominent similarities in terms of the similarity of the story to the characters names. The
equation is a main character named Prabhu Data Candrabhanu who has a wife named the
Dewi Wirasanti and have a beautiful daughter named Diah Somawati. All three are said to be
very powerful because of its success in yoga and meditation believed to hold fast to the
teachings of Buddhism Bairawa. In addition to having equality, parwa and peparikan story
also have differences. The difference if the parwa story is told through Hastinapura victory
against Tasikmalaya, another case in peparikan story, Arjuna is told to lose the war, then
decided to return to Hastinapura, and want to attack the country of Tasikmalaya. In addition
to uncovering intertextual relationship of the second story, this study also revealed the
meaning contained in these two stories. These include the meaning and spiritual significance
Bairawa Buddha.


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How to Cite
AYU JUNIANTARI, Ni Nyoman. PARWA DATA CANDRABHANU DAN PEPARIKAN DATA CANDRABHANU: SEBUAH KAJIAN INTERTEKSTUALITAS. Humanis, [S.l.], mar. 2015. ISSN 2302-920X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 sep. 2024.


Parwa, Peparikan, Intertextual