Pengaruh Fraksi Volume pada Green Composite Serat Bambu dengan Matriks Sari Pati Kentang Terhadap Stabilitas Termal Melalui Uji TGA

  • Kimi Obelix Castafiore
  • Cok Istri Putri Kusuma Kencanawati
  • Ketut Astawa


The strategy of employing effective thermal insulators can serve as a solution to reduce energy consumption in
buildings by mitigating energy loss due to heat transfer. However, most thermal insulators currently in use are
made from petrochemical materials, posing potential environmental risks. Thus, the utilization of
environmentally friendly materials such as green composite bamboo fiber with potato starch matrix can offer
an alternative solution. This research employs potato starch matrix and bamboo fiber as reinforcement. The
compositions of potato starch and bamboo fiber utilize volume fractions of 5% bamboo fiber: 95% potato starch,
7.5% bamboo fiber: 92.5% potato starch, and 10% bamboo fiber: 90% potato starch. Thermal testing methods
utilized in this study include Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) following ASTM D7582 and microscopic
analysis. TGA test data shows that the lowest moisture value is in the 5% fiber variation with 12.02% while the
highest moisture value is in the 10% fiber variation with 21.71%, the lowest volatile value is in the 10% fiber
variation with 76.55% while the highest volatile value is in the 5% fiber variation with 88.25%. The results of
thermal stability analysis show that the highest 5% and 10% weight reduction temperatures are in the 10% fiber
variation while the lowest is in the 5% fiber variation. Based on the results of microphoto observations, it can
be concluded that for the 5%, 7.5%, and 10% variations of bamboo fiber, the percentage of voids is not much
different, but the 5% bamboo fiber volume fraction variation has more voids in the matrix, while the 10%
bamboo fiber volume fraction variation has more voids on the sides of the fiber. In accordance with the results
of thermal stability, the variation with more voids on the sides of the fiber shows better thermal stability than
the variation with more voids in the matrix.
Keywords: Green Composite, Potato Starch, Bamboo Fiber, Volume Fraction, Thermogravimetry Analysis
(TGA), Microscopic Analysi


CASTAFIORE, Kimi Obelix; KENCANAWATI, Cok Istri Putri Kusuma; ASTAWA, Ketut. Pengaruh Fraksi Volume pada Green Composite Serat Bambu dengan Matriks Sari Pati Kentang Terhadap Stabilitas Termal Melalui Uji TGA. Teknik Desain Mekanika, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 2, apr. 2024. ISSN 2302-5182. Tersedia pada: <>. Tanggal Akses: 24 feb. 2025


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