• I Gede Arya Raditya Januriawan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana
  • Ida Ayu Sukihana Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana


Jurnal ilmiah ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai pengertian dan dasar hukum bank dan peer to peer lending, serta memahami perbedaan antara praktik bank gelap dengan layanan financial technology peer to peer lending. Jurnal ilmiah ini ditulis dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil studi dari permasalahan yang ada adalah tentang Bank diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan dan Pengaturan pada layanan fintech peer to peer lending diatur dalam Peraturan OJK No. 77/POJK.01/2016 tentang Layanan Pinjam Meminjam Uang Berbasis Teknologi Informasi, serta untuk membedakan praktek perbankan dengan layanan peer to peer lending dibedakan berdasarkan atas konstruksi hubungan hukum masing-masing layanan, Konstruksi hukum yang dibangun pada perbankan terlahir dari perjanjian tidak bernama yang mengikat nasabah dengan perbankan pada proses penghimpunan dana, sedangkan konstruksi hukum dari peer to peer lending terbentuk dari perjanjian pemberian kuasa (Pasal 1972 KUHPerdata) dan perjanjian kredit (Pasal 1754 KUHPerdata),sehingga, pelaksanaan layanan peer to peer lending apabila dilihat dari persepektif struktur hubungan hukumnya berbeda dengan pelaksanaan sistem perbankan dan tidak melanggar penyelenggaraan praktik bank gelap.

Writing this scientific journal aims to understand more deeply about the legal basis of banks and peer to peer lending, as well as understanding the differences between black bank practices and peer to peer lending financial technology services. This scientific journal is written with a normative legal research method using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of the study of the existing problems are that Banks are regulated in Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1992 concerning Banking and regulations on peer to peer lending fintech services are regulated in OJK Regulation No. 77/POJK.01/2016 concerning Lending and Borrowing Based of Information Technology Services, as well as to differentiate banking practices from peer to peer lending services, differentiated based on the construction of the legal relationship of each service, the legal construction built in banking was born from an anonymous agreement which binding customers with banks in the process of raising funds, while the legal construction of peer to peer lending is formed from the power of attorney agreement (Article 1972 of the Civil Code) and credit agreement (Article 1754 of the Civil Code), so that the implementation of peer to peer lending services from a relationship structure perspective the law is different from the implementation of the banking system and does not violate the implementation of illegal banking practices.


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How to Cite
JANURIAWAN, I Gede Arya Raditya; SUKIHANA, Ida Ayu. INDIKASI PRAKTIK BANK GELAP DALAM LAYANAN FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY JENIS PEER TO PEER LENDING. Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 8, p. 1-13, nov. 2020. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.

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