The Existence of Natural Lexicons in ‘Awig-Awig’ Tenganan Pegringsingan Bali: An Ecolinguistic Approach

  • Mirsa Umiyati Universitas Warmadewa


Tenganan Pegringsingan Village, as one of the original villages in Bali, has a local wisdom characteristic that is agreed upon by its citizens. Local wisdom is included in the 'awig-awig' (local regulation) village in the form of verbal texts that aim to preserve the flora and fauna of extinction. This study aims to determine the type of flora-fauna lexicon found in 'awig-awig' of the village, and to know the customary restrictions and fines that are set for residents who break them. This research is a qualitative descriptive method using 'awig-awig' as research data and analyzing data through literature review. The results of the analysis found 39 lexicons of flora and fauna that are prohibited from being cut down/killed. The entire lexicon is divided into 9 categories, namely fruit, trees, leaves, tubers, rhizomes, seeds, roots, animals and flowers. Each amounted to 7 pieces, 11 trees, 2 leaves, 5 tubers, 1 rhizome, 1 seed, 1 root, 9 animals and 2 flowers. This study recommends collaboration with various parties to preserve the ecotex contained in the 'awig-awig' village of Tenganan Bali.

Keywords : ecotext, awig-awig, local wisdom, ecolinguistic


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How to Cite
UMIYATI, Mirsa. The Existence of Natural Lexicons in ‘Awig-Awig’ Tenganan Pegringsingan Bali: An Ecolinguistic Approach. Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 191–216, apr. 2020. ISSN 2580-0698. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 31 mar. 2025. doi: