Determining Value Co-Creation Behaviour toward Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention on the SRC’s Business Platformorm

  • Muhammad Baehaqi Universitas Putra Bangsa
  • Ragil Setya Cahyono University of International Business and Economics, Beijing
  • Sulis Riptiono University of Putra Bangsa


Customer retention is the maintenance of long-term customer-company relationships through customer satisfaction thereby creating loyalty. Value co-creation is proven to have a significant role in creating customer loyalty, so that customer loyalty becomes actual retention for the company. The role of shared value creation should be considered in customer relationship mechanisms. This study aims to produce an analysis of the role of value co-creation behavior on customer retention. This focus is novelty in research, because no confirmation was found in previous studies that produced a relationship between the two. Customer loyalty is the variable that mediates the relationship between value creation behavior and customer retention. This research produces findings regarding the positive influence of customer involvement through value co-creation behavior on retention as a long-term customer relationship mechanism with the company.

 Keywords: value coreation behaviour; customer loyalty; customer retention


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How to Cite
BAEHAQI, Muhammad; CAHYONO, Ragil Setya; RIPTIONO, Sulis. Determining Value Co-Creation Behaviour toward Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention on the SRC’s Business Platformorm. Matrik : Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis, dan Kewirausahaan, [S.l.], p. 48 - 60, mar. 2023. ISSN 2302-8890. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025. doi: