Reviewer Qualifications:
- Mastering a field of knowledge appropriate to the journal's scientific field and following scientific developments in the field.
- Researchers in the relevant field of science have publications that meet the quantity and quality requirements, as evidenced by the Curriculum Vitae sent to the Journal Editor.
- Able to be objective and willing to review articles quickly, carefully, and precisely.
Reviewer Duties:
- Determine the suitability of the scientific field of the manuscript with the scientific field of the journal and determine whether the manuscript has novelty criteria that support scientific development.
- Determine the authenticity of manuscripts and identify actions that are not appropriate for the scientific community, such as falsifying data, plagiarizing, etc.
- Assess the suitability of the title, abstract, and keywords in the manuscript's contents and the conciseness and clarity of these three parts.
- Provide an assessment of the manuscript's contents, including clarity of purpose, accuracy of methods, and checking for possible errors in interpreting data or making conclusions.
- Determine whether tables, figures, illustrations, and equations are clear and functional.
- Determine whether references are appropriate and recommend appropriate removal or addition to the list of references.
- Providing advice to the managing editor regarding the appropriateness of publishing the manuscript, determining and indicating the parts that need to be revised, and determining whether the revised manuscript needs to be reviewed again.
- Fill out the review form.