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Ni Made Neli Lestari I Nyoman Satya Kumara Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari


PLTS is a power plant that converts sunlight energy into electricity using photovoltaic
technology. Solar panels play an important role in PLTS, because solar panels capture solar radiation
then convert it into electrical energy. The development of solar panel technology is the key to support
the development of PLTS. This article reviews about the development of solar panels in Indonesia as
an important component to support the development of national solar power plants towards a capacity
of 6500 MW by 2025. The review will be carried out on various aspects of solar panels including the
national solar panel industry, solar panels available in the domestic market, and the availability of
various panels. Data is obtained from the national panel industry, the PLTS project, the PLTS user
association, the national EPC, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the national solar
panel vendor. The survey result shows there are 241 panels, both local and foreign production. Panel
capacities vary from 5 Watt to 500 Watt and panel voltages are available from 12 Volt, 24 Volt and 48
Volt. Based on the survey, it is also obtained the average of Rp/Wp is Rp.18,853/Wp and the average
of W/m2 is 159,46 W/m2. Increasing solar panel production can be done by providing incentives to
solar panel producers in the form of product purchase guarantees and incentives to develop new
factories. Information regarding the current status of solar panels in Indonesia is expected to be a
quick reference for people or institutions that need it, and can be used as an introduction to research
and application of PLTS in Indonesia.


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How to Cite
NELI LESTARI, Ni Made; SATYA KUMARA, I Nyoman; DWI GIRIANTARI, Ida Ayu. REVIEW STATUS PANEL SURYA DI INDONESIA MENUJU REALISASI KAPASITAS PLTS NASIONAL 6500 MW. Jurnal SPEKTRUM, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 27-37, mar. 2021. ISSN 2684-9186. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025. doi:

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