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Putu Ratih Devyanti Gede Sukadarmika Komang Oka Saputra


Optical fiber is a telecommunication transmission medium that has a high bandwidth
and bit rate so that it can meet the needs of today's information services with high reliability and
efficiency. Optical fiber applications are increasingly widespread for underwater networks,
terrestrial networks, metropolitan and regional network coverage, also small-scale networks
included. Optical fiber communication system has internal and external factors that affect the
quality of network performance. Those factors possibly able to reduce the performance of the
optical fiber networks. Then, can cause attenuation and other transmission losses. In an effort
to prevent sudden and significant deterioration in the quality of a network, it is necessary to
carry out periodic maintenance activities such as measuring the quality of scheduled fiber optic
cable network services. These maintenance activities can help determine the decision to
increase network capacity at a later date. The service quality parameters that often measured
are the attenuation of the transmission and the received signal power (power receive). This
study examines the measurement of attenuation of the Benculuk-Jimbaran fiber optic cable
using OTDR EXFO FTB-150. The measurement results of 8 idle cores were analyzed using
Optisystem 7.0 and the calculation of total attenuation and receive sensitivity. The
measurement results of core 1 to core 12 have total attenuation ranging from 29, 942 dB -
30.654 dB at a distance of 169, 646 km - 170, 323 km. The value of power received on cores 1
to 12 has a value ranging from -17,339 dBm - 18,204 dBm, where all idle cores fulfill the receive
sensitivity requirements set by ITU-T, which is greater than -28 dBm. Based on the performance                                                                                                                 analysis according to total attenuation and power receive parameters, the Benculuk-Jimbaran
fiber optic link network has good performance quality.                                                                                                                                


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RATIH DEVYANTI, Putu; SUKADARMIKA, Gede; OKA SAPUTRA, Komang. PENGUKURAN KUALITAS LAYANAN JARINGAN KABEL SERAT OPTIK LINK BENCULUK-JIMBARAN. Jurnal SPEKTRUM, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 1-8, mar. 2021. ISSN 2684-9186. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi:

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