Hubungan Antara Trust dengan Konflik Interpersonal Pada Dewasa Awal yang Menjalani Hubungan Pacaran Jarak Jauh

  • Ratna Devy Winayanti Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana
  • Putu Nugrahaeni Widiasavitri Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana


Long-distance relationship has now become a social trend among the community because of the increase in educational attainment of men and women. Trust is a prerequisite of success in a long-distance relationship, and it is important to minimize conflict. This study aims to determine the correlation between trust and interpersonal conflict among early adulthood initial long-distance relationship.
Subjects in this study were 100 student of Udayana University. Measuring instruments used are the trust scale (34 items; rxx` = 0.913) and interpersonal conflict scale (33 items; rxx` = 0.878). Data were processed using Pearson Product Moment analysis and simple linear regression. Statistical analysis show, there is significant correlation between trust and interpersonal conflict, with a negative direction (r = -0.325 ; p = 0.001). The coefficient of determination obtained for 0.106 which means that 10.6% of trust variable can explaine variance that occurs in conflict interpersonal variable.
Keywords: trust, interpersonal conflict, long-distance relationship, early adulthood


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Author Biographies

Ratna Devy Winayanti, Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana
Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana
Putu Nugrahaeni Widiasavitri, Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana
Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana
How to Cite
WINAYANTI, Ratna Devy; WIDIASAVITRI, Putu Nugrahaeni. Hubungan Antara Trust dengan Konflik Interpersonal Pada Dewasa Awal yang Menjalani Hubungan Pacaran Jarak Jauh. Jurnal Psikologi Udayana, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, apr. 2016. ISSN 2654-4024. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi:

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