Performansi Pendinginan Kombinasi Sistem Direct Dan Indirect Evaporative Cooling

  • I Made Yudi Darmawan
  • Hendra Wijaksana
  • N. Suarnadwipa


Pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk yang demikian pesat, mendorong meningkatnya pembangunan gedung-gedung apartemen untuk tempat tinggal terutama di kota-kota besar. Pembangunan gedung apartemen dan perkantoran yang pesat ini, diikuti dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan input energi listrik terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penggunaan air conditioning (AC) berbasis kompresor. Dew Point Evaporative Cooler merupakan sebuahi mesini pendingini yangi menggunakani prinsipi evaporativei coolingi. Pendinginani evaporativei ini secarai tekniki disebuti dengani pendinginano adiabatiko yang merupakano proseso pengkondisiano udarao yango dilakukano dengano membiarkan kontako langsungz antaraz udara denganz uapz airz sehinggaz terjadiz perubahanz dariz panasz sensibelz menjadiz panasz zlaten. Variabel yang diukur pada penelitian ini adalah variasi kelembaban denganz Kecepatanz aliran udara z4,8zm/s, z9,5zm/s, dan z11,3zm/s. Cooling capacity performansi yang tertinggi pada system kombinasi direct dan indirect evaporative cooling terjadi pada kecepatan aliran udara tertinggi V3= 11.3m/s. Dimana besar Cooling Effectiveness = 2,294 , Dry Bilb temperature Drop= 6,425oC, Cooling Capacity= 3,6 kW , ER= 4,1, dan nilai total rata-rata kelembaban udata (?RH) pada kecepatan aliran udara V1= 61,15% , V2= 83,025%, dan V3= 91,325%.
Kata Kunci : Dew Point Evaporative Cooling, Variasi Kelembaban, Temperatur
The rapid population growth has prompted the construction of apartment buildings for residence, especially in big cities. The rapid development of apartment and office buildings was followed by a search for the need for electrical energy input, especially to meet the need for compressor-based air conditioning (AC). Dew Point Evaporative Cooler is a cooling machine that uses the principle of evaporative cooling. This evaporative cooling is technically called adiabatic cooling which is an air conditioning process that is carried out by allowing direct contact between air and air vapor so that it occurs from sensible heat to latent heat. Thez variablesz measured inz thisz studyz werez variationsz inz humidityz withz airz flowz velocitiesz of 4.8zm/s, 9.5zm/s, and 11.3zm/s. The highest cooling capacity performance in the combined direct and indirect evaporative cooling system occurs at the highest air flow velocity V3 = 11.3m / s. Where the cooling efficiency = 2.294, the temperature drop in dry bilb = 6.425oC, the cooling effectiveness = 3.6 kW, ER = 4.1, and the value The total average air humidity (?RH) at air flow velocity V1 = 61.15%, V2 = 83.025%, and V3 = 91.325%.
Keywords: Dew Point Evaporative Cooling, Humidity Variation, Temperature


YUDI DARMAWAN, I Made; WIJAKSANA, Hendra; SUARNADWIPA, N.. Performansi Pendinginan Kombinasi Sistem Direct Dan Indirect Evaporative Cooling. Teknik Desain Mekanika, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, jan. 2021. ISSN 2302-5182. Tersedia pada: <>. Tanggal Akses: 07 mar. 2025


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