Simulasi Drag Reduction Pada Tractor Trailer Dengan Penambahan Boot Tail

  • Tondi Nihita Lulu Somana Valentino Naiba
  • Ainul Ghurri
  • Anak Agung Adhi Suryawan


Dewasa ini penggunaan kendaraan berat seperti truck sangatlah dibutuhkan namun besarnya gaya hambat yang ada pada
truck mempengaruhi efisiensi dan menyebabkan polusi udara. Mengurangi gaya hambat pada kendaraan menjadi tantangan
tersendiri demi mengurangi polusi udara dan meningkatkan penghematan energi. Adanya penambahan headroof, side skirts
dan boot tail plates flaps dirancang dan diperkenalkan dengan tujuan mengurangi gaya hambat pada tractor-traile.
Penambahan alat-alat tersebut sudah menunjukkan pengurangan gaya hambat dari dari tracot trailer. Namun perlu
dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut yang bersifat komrehensif dan sistitematis yang mencakup pengukuran gaya hambat,
analisa medan aliran, dan pengkondisian lebih lanjut. Dalam studi dan penelitian ini penambahan boot tail plates flaps
berdimensi 15°, 30°, 45°dengan variasi kecepatan 80, 90, 100 km/jam melalui tahap simulasi mampu mengurangi coefficent
of drag pada truck. Dimana penambahan boot tail plates flaps 15 derajat memberi dampak penurunan coefficient of drag
terbaik yakni pada kecepatan 80 km/nilai memiliki nilai cd 0,80322698, kecepatan 90km jam nilai cd 0,80975351 dan
0,80516584 pada kecepatan 100km/jam. Dari hasil ini disimpulkan dengam ditambahkannya boot tail plates flaps mampu
mengurangi coefficient of drag pada truck.
Kata kunci: Lorong udara, Truck, Boot Tail Plates Flaps, Aerodinamika

Nowadays the use of heavy vehicles such as trucks is needed but the amount of drag that is on the truck affects efficiency and
causes air pollution. Reducing the drag on the vehicle is a challenge in order to reduce air pollution and increase energy
savings. The addition of headroof, side skirts and boot tail plates flaps was designed and introduced with the aim of reducing
the drag on the tractor-traile. The addition of these tools has shown a reduction in drag from the tracot trailer. However,
further research that is comprehensive and systematic in nature needs to be done which includes the measurement of drag,
flow field analysis, and further conditioning. In this study and research the addition of boot tail plates flaps with dimensions
of 15 °, 30 °, 45 ° with variations in speed of 80, 90, 100 km / h through the simulation stage can reduce the coefficient of
drag on trucks. Where the addition of 15-degree boot tail plates flaps gives the best decrease in coefficient of drag that is at a
speed of 80 km / value has a cd value of 0.80322698, a speed of 90km hours a cd value of 0.80975351 and 0.80516584 at a
speed of 100km / hour. From these results it was concluded that the addition of boot tail plates flaps could reduce the
coefficient of drag on trucks.
Keywords : Wind Tunnel, Tractor-Trailer, Boot Tail Plates Flaps, Aerdynamics


VALENTINO NAIBA, Tondi Nihita Lulu Somana; GHURRI, Ainul; ADHI SURYAWAN, Anak Agung. Simulasi Drag Reduction Pada Tractor Trailer Dengan Penambahan Boot Tail. Teknik Desain Mekanika, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 3, july 2020. ISSN 2302-5182. Tersedia pada: <>. Tanggal Akses: 10 mar. 2025


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