Analisis Perbandingan Abnormal Return dan Likuiditas Saham Sebelum dan Sesudah Stock Split

  • Putu Raras Elistarani
  • I Ketut Wijaya Kesuma Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia


This study aims to determine differences in abnormal returns and liquidity of shares before-after stock split at companies listed Indonesian Stock Exchange. By using purposive sampling method then selected 25 samples of companies that meet the criteria. The period of observation for 5 days before - 5 days after stock split. Test of paired samples t-test showed the difference in average abnormal returns and liquidity of shares before- after stock split, this indicates that the market reacted positively to the stock split.

Keywords: abnormal return, liquidity of shares, stock split, market reaction


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How to Cite
ELISTARANI, Putu Raras; WIJAYA KESUMA, I Ketut. Analisis Perbandingan Abnormal Return dan Likuiditas Saham Sebelum dan Sesudah Stock Split. E-Jurnal Manajemen, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 10, oct. 2014. ISSN 2302-8912. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 mar. 2025.


abnormal return, liquidity of shares, stock split, market reaction