Developing Instructional Materials of Drama for English Language and Letter Students SMA Al-Miftah Palengaan-Pamekasan

  • rini listyowati Universitas Islam Madura
  • Ina Daril Hanna Universitas Islam Madura


The purpose of developing instructional unit to get: (1) instrcutional unit for Drama teaching materials students of SMA AL-MIFTAH Palengaan Pamekasan, (2) determine the validity/feasibility of the product. The expert assessment include: 1) assessing the learning content expert product Drama courses teaching materials with excellent qualification with a score of 92,5%, guide teacher 89,58%, guide students 83%; 2) instructional design expert assess product materials Drama courses 85%, guide teacher 87,5%, guide students 87,5%; 3) media expert assess learning materials product Drama courses 97,5%, guide lecture 100%, guide students 97,5%. The result of the expert review  as basis of further improvement of the products can be tested to get input from the users. The test includes: 1) an individual trial for four students with s score 88,7% and guide students 89,8%; 2) test for the small group of eight students, assess product of material s 90,4% and guide students 84.3%; 3) test for large group for 25 students evaluate teaching materials product  90,7% and guide students 84,3%. It can be concluded that product development is considered fit for using as a learning resource for language and letters department students of SMA AL-MIFTAH Palengaan Pamekasan.


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How to Cite
LISTYOWATI, rini; HANNA, Ina Daril. Developing Instructional Materials of Drama for English Language and Letter Students SMA Al-Miftah Palengaan-Pamekasan. Lingual Journal of Language and Culture, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 38, dec. 2020. ISSN 2716-3091. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 oct. 2024. doi: