Call for Articles


We invite authors to submit articles to the Jurnal Kajian Bali (Bali Studies Journal).

The Jurnal Kajian Bali is published twice a year, every April and October. As an area studies journal, the Jurnal Kajian Bali only accepts articles about Bali.

The scopes of articles about Bali that can be published are very diverse including Balinese culture, politics, music, language, architecture, literature, history, mass media, popular culture, tourism, economy, environment, health, law, management, religion, and Balinese customs.

The journal would also like to publish articles on Bali with comparative approaches, for example a comparative studies on Balinese and Javanese performing arts; or a comparative studies on Bali and West Java tourism villages.

In evaluating and deciding publication, we have various considerations that include:

  1. meets our focus and scope;
  2. the format that matches the author's guidelines;
  3. quality of article;
  4. academic contributions;
  5. technical problems (such as to many typos, redundancy, does not cite all of mentioned quoted authors);

If the criteria are not met, your submission will be returned for resubmit or decline immediately.

Authors should check their email regularly or login to our website to check their article's progress, or to contact us.

Thank you for submission to Jurnal Kajian Bali as a venue for your work and thank for all your support.