Provision Pemberian Stretching, Teh Manis dan Musik Menurunkan Beban Mental dan Kelelahan serta Meningkatkan Kinerja Perawat

  • A.A Istri Diah Indrasuari UPTD Puskesmas III Dinas Kesehatan Kecamatan Denpasar Utara
  • I Made Muliarta Departemen Ilmu Faal Universitas Udayana
  • Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Program Studi Magister Fisiologi Olahraga Universitas Udayana
  • I Dewa Putu Sutjana Departemen Ilmu Faal Universitas Udayana
  • Ketut Tirtayasa Departemen Ilmu Faal Universitas Udayana
  • I Wayan Surata Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana


The characteristics of nurses' work in the general treatment unit of the North Denpasar Health Center are nursing diagnoses during service hours followed by administrative work, without short breaks. The intervention was carried out in the form of Workplace Stretching Exercise, by giving sweet tea and listening to music after service hours. This study aims to reduce mental burden and fatigue and improve nurses’ performance. The study used treatment by subject design which involved 14 samples. Period 1 was work process without intervention and Period 2 was work process with interventions in the form of giving stretching, sweet tea and music. Mental load was recorded using a NASA-TLX questionnaire, fatigue was recorded with a 30 item exhaustion questionnaire and performance was recorded with a performance questionnaire. Data were analysed using t-paired with a value of ? 0.05 for normally distributed data and Wilcoxon test for data that was not normally distributed. The results showed the mean mental load score was higher in Period I, i.e. the work process without intervention which was 65.14, the mean fatigue score was higher when after working in Period I which was 57.36 and the mean score of performance was higher in Period II which was 3.82. Provision of Workplace Stretching Exercise, sweet tea and listening to music reduced mental burden by 37.05%, reduced fatigue by 33.56% and improved performance by 25.66%. It was concluded that the provision of ergonomics in the form of Workplace Stretching Exercise, sweet tea and listening to music reduced mental burden, fatigue and significantly improved performance of nurses in the general treatment unit at the North Denpasar Health Center.


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Author Biographies

I Made Muliarta, Departemen Ilmu Faal Universitas Udayana



Provision of Stretching, Sweet Tea and Music Reducing Mental Work Loads and Employment and Improving Performance Among Nurses



The characteristics of nurses' work in the general treatment unit of the North Denpasar Health Center are nursing diagnoses and after hours of service, nurses must complete several administrative tasks performed without short breaks. The interventions carried out in the form of Workplace Stretching Exercise, giving sweet tea and listening to music after hours of service. This study aims to reduce mental burden and fatigue and improve performance.

The study design used was the same subject (treatment by subject design) which involved 14 research samples. Mental load was recorded using a NASA-TLX questionnaire, fatigue was recorded with a 30 item exhaustion questionnaire and performance was recorded with a performance questionnaire. Data analysis uses t-paired with a value of ? 0.05 for normally distributed data and Wilcoxon test for data that is not normally distributed.

The results showed the mean mental load score was higher in Period I which was 65.14 points, the mean fatigue score was higher when after working in Period I which was 57.36 points and the mean score of performance was higher in Period II which was 3.82 points. Provision of Workplace Stretching Exercise, sweet tea and listening to music reduce mental burden by 37.05%, reduce fatigue by 33.56% and improve performance by 25.66%.

It was concluded that the provision of ergonomics in the form of Workplace Stretching Exercise, sweet tea and listening to music reduced mental burden, fatigue and significantly improved performance of nurses in the general treatment unit at the North Denpasar Health Center.



Keywords: fatigue, mental load, music, sweet tea, Workplace Stretching Exercise


Luh Putu Ratna Sundari, Program Studi Magister Fisiologi Olahraga Universitas Udayana



Provision of Stretching, Sweet Tea and Music Reducing Mental Work Loads and Employment and Improving Performance Among Nurses



The characteristics of nurses' work in the general treatment unit of the North Denpasar Health Center are nursing diagnoses and after hours of service, nurses must complete several administrative tasks performed without short breaks. The interventions carried out in the form of Workplace Stretching Exercise, giving sweet tea and listening to music after hours of service. This study aims to reduce mental burden and fatigue and improve performance.

The study design used was the same subject (treatment by subject design) which involved 14 research samples. Mental load was recorded using a NASA-TLX questionnaire, fatigue was recorded with a 30 item exhaustion questionnaire and performance was recorded with a performance questionnaire. Data analysis uses t-paired with a value of ? 0.05 for normally distributed data and Wilcoxon test for data that is not normally distributed.

The results showed the mean mental load score was higher in Period I which was 65.14 points, the mean fatigue score was higher when after working in Period I which was 57.36 points and the mean score of performance was higher in Period II which was 3.82 points. Provision of Workplace Stretching Exercise, sweet tea and listening to music reduce mental burden by 37.05%, reduce fatigue by 33.56% and improve performance by 25.66%.

It was concluded that the provision of ergonomics in the form of Workplace Stretching Exercise, sweet tea and listening to music reduced mental burden, fatigue and significantly improved performance of nurses in the general treatment unit at the North Denpasar Health Center.



Keywords: fatigue, mental load, music, sweet tea, Workplace Stretching Exercise



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How to Cite
INDRASUARI, A.A Istri Diah et al. Provision Pemberian Stretching, Teh Manis dan Musik Menurunkan Beban Mental dan Kelelahan serta Meningkatkan Kinerja Perawat. Jurnal Ergonomi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Ergonomic), [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 35 - 42, aug. 2021. ISSN 2503-1716. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi: