Studi Biologi Ulat Bulu Lymantria marginata Wlk. (Lepidoptera : Lymantridae) Pada Tanaman Mangga

  • NI NENGAH DARMIATI Program Studi Agroekoteknologi Fakulktas Pertanian Universitas Udayana
  • WAYAN SUSILA Program Studi Agroekoteknologi Fakulktas Pertanian Universitas Udayana
  • NI KADEK NITA KARLINA ASTRIYANI ASTRIYANI Program Studi Agroekoteknologi Fakulktas Pertanian Universitas Udayana


The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pest and Disease Management, Department
of Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Udayana. The purpose of this study was to
determine the life cycle of caterpillars L. marginata, praoviposisi period, oviposition, pascaoviposisi,
male imago long life, female imago long life and fecundity of caterpillars L. marginata and sex ratio of
caterpillars L. marginata
The results showed that the life cycle of L. marginata average of 52.00 ± 3.68 days with an egg
stage was 8.20 ± 1.88 days, larval stage average 29.05 ± 1.76 days, and the pupal stage an average of
12.60 ± 2.18 days (n = 20).
The number of eggs laid by the female imago is 2872 grains with an average 143.60 ± 34.63 eggs
per imago, with praoviposisi period was 2.15 ± 0.75 days, oviposition period of 1.80 ± 0.77 days, a
period pascaoviposisi 2.05 ± 0.83 days. Females imago long live ranged from 5-7 days with an average
of 6 ± 0.85 days and males imago long life ranged from 2-7 days with an average of 4.5 ± 1.54 days
(n = 20). Sex ratio of L. marginata approaching 1:1 (47% males and 53% females


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How to Cite
DARMIATI, NI NENGAH; SUSILA, WAYAN; ASTRIYANI, NI KADEK NITA KARLINA ASTRIYANI. Studi Biologi Ulat Bulu Lymantria marginata Wlk. (Lepidoptera : Lymantridae) Pada Tanaman Mangga. Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, jan. 2014. ISSN 2654-4008. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 mar. 2025.


Biology, caterpillars L. marginata, Mango Plant (Mangifera indica)