Pengaruh Suhu dan Lama Pengadukan dalam Pemurnian Minyak Goreng Bekas sebagai Bahan Baku Sabun Padat
Wasted Cooking Oil (WCO) is oil and fat that has been used for cooking or frying in the food processing industry, restaurants, fast food and at the consumer or household level. WCO, if not managed properly, has the potential to pollute the environment, marked by increased levels of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the waters, as well as causing a foul odor due to biological degradation. One of the ingredients that can be used to improve the quality of used cooking oil can use activated charcoal, because it has a high absorption power so that it can absorb gases or odors and colors contained in WCO. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of WCO purified using activated charcoal and to determine the characteristics of solid soap processed from WCO from activated charcoal purification. This research was preceded by purifying WCO using activated charcoal and testing its characteristics. The purified WCO is then used as a raw material in the manufacture of solid soap. The results showed that the adsorption temperature and stirring time had a very significant effect on free fatty acid levels, water content and color intensity, the interaction between treatments, stirring time and temperature greatly influenced free fatty acids, brightness and redness levels. Increasing the adsorption temperature to 100°C and stirring time up to 80 minutes can increase the brightness level and reduce the water content and free fatty acid content in used cooking oil. The best treatment of the used cooking oil refining process using activated charcoal is a temperature treatment of 100°C and a stirring time of 80 minutes, with the characteristics of free fatty acid content of 0.36%, water content 0.19%, brightness level 60.83, redness level -11 .61 and the yellowness level is 40.43. The results showed that the adsorption temperature and stirring time had a very significant effect on pH, texture, foam content and sensory testing, the interaction between treatments, stirring time and temperature, greatly influenced pH and sensory tests of used cooking oil solid soap.
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