Measures on Chinese Products in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Why was Anti-Dumping Action Imposed?

  • Andi Putri Amanda Faculty of Law, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh and Erlanda Juliansyah Putra, Advocates and Legal Consultants, Aceh Besar, Indonesia
  • Wardah Wardah Faculty of Law; Research Center for Social and Cultural Studies (PRISB), Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) issued policies to keep the situation under control, particularly in the trade sector, with the goal of protecting the state from fraudulent acts of business actors dumping practices. The Indonesian Anti-Dumping Committee (KADI) has investigated Chinese products that cause harm to domestic products, namely Lysine and Hot Rolled Coil of Another Alloy. This article discusses the implementation of anti-dumping action conducted by the KADI, and the challenges that are faced in the performance of anti-dumping action. It is based on normative legal research that applies statutory and conceptual approaches. The results show that KADI’s scientific investigation succeed in proving the causal link between certain imported Chinese products and the injury in Indonesian local industries. There are three challenges faced by KADI in investigating the anti-dumping action. First, the Work From Home system hampered them from collecting the data. Second, a lack number of capable staff to investigate the evidence of dumping in Indonesia. Third, the Regulation of Minister of Finance No. 103/PMK.010/2020 suspend the import duties on all imported products that enter the Indonesian market from September, 22 until December 31, 2020.


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How to Cite
AMANDA, Andi Putri; WARDAH, Wardah. Measures on Chinese Products in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Why was Anti-Dumping Action Imposed?. Udayana Journal of Law and Culture, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 220-238, july 2022. ISSN 2549-0680. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi: