Financial Feasibility of Layers Farming Business

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Ary Bakhtiar Wahid Muhammad Shodiq M. Zul Mazwan Luinasia Elikunda Kombe


Egg prices exhibit high volatility over short time intervals, which is not
surprising given their affordability and popularity as a primary protein
source. However, this fluctuation in prices poses significant
challenges for businesses, particularly in managing cash flow. Hence,
it becomes crucial to evaluate the feasibility and sensitivity of the
Layers farming business at PT JIF. The objective of this research is to
provide a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics, financial
aspects, cost flow, and overall feasibility of PT JIF's Layers farming
operations. To achieve this, the study employs several data analysis
methods, including the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of
Return (IRR), Net B/C ratio, and Payback Period techniques. These
methods are used to assess the economic viability of PT JIF's Layers
farming business. The results demonstrate that PT JIF's layer farming
business is indeed feasible, meeting the established investment
feasibility criteria. Specifically, the NPV is greater than zero, the IRR
exceeds the discount rate, the Net B/C ratio is higher than one, and
the payback period is within three years, which is shorter than the
commercial life of PT JIF's Layers farming business. For aspiring
farmers venturing into the layer farming industry, it is advised to
exercise patience, resilience, and consistency, considering the returnon-investment



potential effects of uncertainties on PT JIF's Layers farming
business in the long term. By incorporating such sensitivity analyses,
a more comprehensive understanding of the business's potential
performance under varying circumstances can be obtained. This, in
turn, would aid in making informed decisions and implementing
effective strategies for sustained success in the Layers farming sector


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How to Cite
BAKHTIAR, Ary et al. Financial Feasibility of Layers Farming Business. SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, [S.l.], v. 17, n. 3, p. 149 - 163, mar. 2024. ISSN 2615-6628. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi:


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