The KoBoCollect for Research Data Collection and Management (An experience in Researching the Socio-Economic Impact of Blood Disease in Banana)

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I Wayan Nampa I Wayan Mudita Norman Patrick Lucky Bire Riwu Kaho Sri Widinugraheni Remi Lasarus Natonis


In the research field, smartphone began to be used for field data collection. One application that was used was KoBoCollect. This article shared the experience of using KoBoCollect in research on the socio-economic impact of blood diseases on banana in Sumba Island. The research was conducted by interviewing 64 banana farmers that spread proportionally in four regencies in Sumba Island. The use of KoBoCollect/toolbox made it easy to collect, save and manage research data. KoBoCollect/toolbox provided the advantages of conducting paperless research, able to record data in complex formats such as numeric data, descriptive data, photos, videos, sounds, coordinates and other data, dynamically making forms changes when conducting research, and displaying interactive applications. KoBoCollect can be run off-line, made it possible to collect field data in remote locations and no internet network. The research data was transmitted online so that the data tabulation process was automatic. Simple data analysis such as median values, mode, graphs and distribution maps of data collection were provided in KoBotoolbox. With KoBoCollect/toolbox, researchers quickly find out the results of the research, as in this research it was known that blood disease had an impact on the decrease in the banana population revealed by 81.54% of farmers.


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How to Cite
NAMPA, I Wayan et al. The KoBoCollect for Research Data Collection and Management (An experience in Researching the Socio-Economic Impact of Blood Disease in Banana). SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 3, p. 545 - 556, june 2020. ISSN 2615-6628. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 jan. 2025. doi:


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