Main Article Content
The goal of this macro study is preparing an integrated development planning for a
regency. The specific goals are to identify and analyze potential, problem, and need in the
regency; and to recommend programs needed by the people to make a sustainable
development comes true.
Macro study approach is a scientific method combining rational method based on the
review of previous studies by government agencies with empirical method using survey
technique. Data collected include primary and secondary. Secondary data an gained from
many institutions, and primary data are collected using observation and interview methods.
Bali area has no natural resources like forest, mining, petroleum and coal that give
income for the region or government. Therefore, the review of this macro study is very
relevant in developing a region, especially rural area based on its strengths, example
Karangasem Regency.
The reason to choose Karangasem Regency are as follows (1) Karangasem Regency is
an area of agricultural commodity and (2) based on the Act No.24/1992, Karangasem
Regency is located in quadrant III, i.e., rural corporate area supported by tourism area.
The result of study indicated that: (1) potentials of this regency are: (a) laborer
adsorbed in agricultural sector is 75,62%, (b) high productive age is 70%, (c) high
entrepreneurship of villagers, (d) more than 50% of women are working in small industry, (e)
the existence of written and oral regulation from subak and customary village institution, and
(f) life principle which is still attached on Balinese (Tri Hita Karana). Problem of this regency
are: (a) high input price, (b) limited of land, capital, marketing, and technology, (c)
unpredictable price fluctuation and season of agricultural products, (d) low access to continue
high school and courses due to limited facility, (e) low treatment skill of volunteer, and (f)
limited local government finance. The needs of this regency are: (a) guarantee of agricultural
product price, (b) market that can collect all production yield, (c) support and capital
assistance from government or private to expand UKM, (d) skill training and capital
assistance from local government for small industry, (e) finance assistance from foreigner for
regional development, and (f) multi way and coordination among the local people (custom
village) and government coordinators.
regency. The specific goals are to identify and analyze potential, problem, and need in the
regency; and to recommend programs needed by the people to make a sustainable
development comes true.
Macro study approach is a scientific method combining rational method based on the
review of previous studies by government agencies with empirical method using survey
technique. Data collected include primary and secondary. Secondary data an gained from
many institutions, and primary data are collected using observation and interview methods.
Bali area has no natural resources like forest, mining, petroleum and coal that give
income for the region or government. Therefore, the review of this macro study is very
relevant in developing a region, especially rural area based on its strengths, example
Karangasem Regency.
The reason to choose Karangasem Regency are as follows (1) Karangasem Regency is
an area of agricultural commodity and (2) based on the Act No.24/1992, Karangasem
Regency is located in quadrant III, i.e., rural corporate area supported by tourism area.
The result of study indicated that: (1) potentials of this regency are: (a) laborer
adsorbed in agricultural sector is 75,62%, (b) high productive age is 70%, (c) high
entrepreneurship of villagers, (d) more than 50% of women are working in small industry, (e)
the existence of written and oral regulation from subak and customary village institution, and
(f) life principle which is still attached on Balinese (Tri Hita Karana). Problem of this regency
are: (a) high input price, (b) limited of land, capital, marketing, and technology, (c)
unpredictable price fluctuation and season of agricultural products, (d) low access to continue
high school and courses due to limited facility, (e) low treatment skill of volunteer, and (f)
limited local government finance. The needs of this regency are: (a) guarantee of agricultural
product price, (b) market that can collect all production yield, (c) support and capital
assistance from government or private to expand UKM, (d) skill training and capital
assistance from local government for small industry, (e) finance assistance from foreigner for
regional development, and (f) multi way and coordination among the local people (custom
village) and government coordinators.
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Article Details
How to Cite
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, [S.l.], nov. 2012.
ISSN 2615-6628.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 mar. 2025.
Regional Planning, Potentials, Problems, Needs, Scenario Analysis, Program Format