Pengaruh Variasi Kecepatan Aliran Udara Pada Evaporative Cooling Kombinasi Indirect Dan Direct

  • I Made Purnamayanto
  • Hendra Wijaksana
  • N. Suarnadwipa


Negara kita adalah negara tropis dengan suhu udara rata-rata sekitar 30 – 35oC dan dengan tingkat kelembaban relative antara 70 – 80% , sedangkan standar kenyamanan yang dibutuhkan adalah 22°C - 25°C dengan kelembaban relatif udara (Relative Humidity) 40%-60%. Dengan demikian kebutuhan akan energi pendinginan demikian besar untuk memenuhi standar kenyamanan bagi bangunan gedung dan apartemen , dimana hampir 60% dari energi listrik yang tersedia digunakan untuk air conditioning (AC). Tingginya tingkat konsumsi energi listrik untuk AC ini, telah mendorong para peneliti untuk mengembangkan sistim pendinginan yang lebih hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan. Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana pengaruh variasi kecepatan aliran udara terhadap performansi pendingin kombinasi indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) dan derect evaporative cooling (DEC). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis performansi pendingin kombinasi indirect evaporative cooling dan derect evaporative cooling terhadap variasi kecepatan aliran udara. Dengan kesimpulan cooling capacity pada system kombinasi Indirect dan Direct evaporative cooling terjadi pada kecepatan aliran udara V1= 4,8 m/s dimana besar Cooling Efficiency= 2,1 , Dry Bulb temperature Drop= 4,2oC, Cooling Capacity= 0,996 kW, ER= 0,962 , Condensation Rate= 0,259 m3/s ,dan Evaporative Rate= 0,0039 m3/jam. Dan nilai Rata-rata kelembaban udata (?RH) pada kecepatan aliran udara V1= 92,3% , V2=94,7%, dan V3=76,6%.
Kata kunci: Pendingin, Kelembaban Udara, Disain Alat, dan Kombinasi pendinginan Indirect dan Direct.
Our country is a tropical country with an average air temperature of around 30-35oC and with a relative humidity level between 70-80%, while the standard of comfort required is 22 ° C - 25 ° C with a relative humidity of 40% - 60%. Thus the need for cooling energy is so great to meet comfort standards for buildings and apartments, where nearly 60% of the available electrical energy is used for air conditioning (AC). The high level of electrical energy consumption for air conditioning has prompted researchers to develop a cooling system that is more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. The problem discussed in this study is how the effect of variations in air flow velocity on the cooling performance of the combination of indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) and derect evaporative cooling (DEC). The purpose of this study was to analyze the cooling performance of a combination of indirect evaporative cooling and derect evaporative cooling on variations in air flow velocity. With the conclusion that the highest performance cooling capacity in the combination system of Indirect and Direct evaporative cooling occurs at the highest air flow velocity V1 = 4.8 m / s where the large Cooling Efficiency = 2.1, Dry Bulb temperature Drop = 4.2oC, Cooling Capacity = 0.996 kW, ER = 0.962, Condensation Rate = 0.259 m3 / s, and Evaporative Rate = 0.0039 m3 / hour. And the average air humidity (?RH) value at the air flow velocity V1 = 92.3%, V2 = 94.7%, and V3 = 76.6%.
Keywords: Cooling, Air Humidity, Tool Design, and Combination of Indirect and Direct cooling.


PURNAMAYANTO, I Made; WIJAKSANA, Hendra; SUARNADWIPA, N.. Pengaruh Variasi Kecepatan Aliran Udara Pada Evaporative Cooling Kombinasi Indirect Dan Direct. Teknik Desain Mekanika, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, jan. 2021. ISSN 2302-5182. Tersedia pada: <>. Tanggal Akses: 10 mar. 2025


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