• Grizelda Grizelda Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mulawarman


Dalam rangka mempermudah dan menjamin pelaksanaan tugas diplomatik, perlu adanya perlindungan dari negara penerima untuk tetap menjamin keamanan dan keistimewaan bagi utusan diplomatik tersebut. Salah satu bentuk kekebalan dan keistimewaan yang diberikan oleh Indonesia terhadap diplomat asing yang bertugas di Indonesia adalah adanya car fasilities. Fasilitas ini berupa pembebasan pajak masuk terhadap kendaraan-kendaraan milik diplomat tersebut. Car fasilities ini diberi tanda khusus yang berbeda dengan kendaraan pribadi milik warga Indonesia. Salah satu identitas pembedanya adalah terletak pada serial plat nomor/CD (Coprs Diplomatic) yang ada pada kendaraan tersebut. Apa yang menjadi hak dan kewajiban yang timbul dengan adanya corps diplomatic bagi kendaraan diplomatik tersebut? Bagaimana mekanisme permohonan corps diplomatik sebagai salah satu car fasilities bagi diplomat asing di Indonesia dan bagaimana mekanisme permohonan car fasilities di negara-negara lain? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yang bersifat normatif, yaitu penelitian dengan melakukan analisis mengenai aturan-aturan dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian yang menemukan bahwa pelaksanaan mekanisme permohonan plat nomor CD (Corps Diplomatic) di masing-masing negara pasti memiliki perbedaan, meskipun hubungan diplomatik tersebut didasarkan atas dasar resiprositas. Hal ini terlihat dari mekanisme antara Indonesia dan Thailand, meskipun keduanya merupakan negara di asia tenggara, namun ada hal-hal yang berbeda seperti penarikan premi asuransi, Indonesia tidak mengenal adanya penarikan premi asuransi dalam permohonan plat nomor CD. Hal tersebut juga berlaku di Australis dan Slovenia.


In order to facilitate and guarantee the implementation of diplomatic duties, it is necessary to have protection from the receiving country to continue to guarantee the security and privileges for the diplomatic envoy. One form of immunity and privileges granted by Indonesia to foreign diplomats serving in Indonesia is the existence of car facilities. This facility is in the form of exemption from entry tax on vehicles belonging to the diplomat. These car facilities are given a special sign that is different from private vehicles owned by Indonesian citizens. One of the distinguishing identities is located on the serial number plate/CD (Coprs Diplomatic) on the vehicle. What are the rights and obligations arising from the diplomatic corps for the diplomatic vehicle? What is the mechanism for applying for diplomatic corps as one of the car facilities for foreign diplomats in Indonesia and how is the mechanism for applying for car facilities in other countries? This research is a normative legal research, namely research by analyzing the rules and literature study. The results of the study found that the implementation of the CD number plate (Corps Diplomatic) application mechanism in each country must have differences, even though diplomatic relations are based on reciprocity. This can be seen from the mechanism between Indonesia and Thailand, although both are countries in Southeast Asia, but there are things that are different, such as the withdrawal of insurance premiums, Indonesia does not recognize the existence of withdrawals of insurance premiums in the CD number plate application. The same is true in Australia and Slovenia.


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How to Cite
GRIZELDA, Grizelda. HAK KEISTIMEWAAN DIPLOMATIK : PERBANDINGAN PRAKTEK PERMOHONAN CORPS DIPLOMATIC DI INDONESIA. Kertha Semaya : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 123-134, dec. 2021. ISSN 2303-0569. Available at: <https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/kerthasemaya/article/view/76213>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.24843/KS.2021.v10.i01.p11.

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