Sonogram Dinamika Ovarium pada Kambing Kacang (Capra hircus) (SONOGRAM OF OVARIAN DYNAMIC IN KACANG GOAT (CAPRA HIRCUS))
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A research was conducted to study the ovarian dynamics in kacang goats. Six non pregnant kacang goatswere used in this research. They were clinically healthy, 2 3 years old and showed normal estrous cycles. Theestrous cycles of the kacang goats were synchronized by using prostaglandin 0.5 mg/kg body weight duringluteal phase. The ovarian dynamics were observed daily by using transrectal ultrasonography. Ovarian dynamicswere characterized by follicular wave. The estrous cycle of kacang goats was 20.0±1.1 days. An ovulatoryfirst follicle wave was appeared on days 1-4, the second follicles wave was on days 3-7, the third folliclewave was on days 8-13, while the ovulatory follicular wave emerged on day 17-18. The dominant folliclesreached the maximum diameter in 3.1±0.6 days from wave emergence and the preovulatory dominantfollicle, the diameter was 6.5±0.5 mm. The corpus luteum of kacang goat was observed on 2.0±0.5 daysafter ovulation up to 2.8±0.8 days before the next ovulation. Follicular development consists of three orfour follicular waves and CL developments were static.
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., Santoso et al.
Sonogram Dinamika Ovarium pada Kambing Kacang (Capra hircus) (SONOGRAM OF OVARIAN DYNAMIC IN KACANG GOAT (CAPRA HIRCUS)).
Jurnal Veteriner, [S.l.], v. 15, n. 2, p. 239-245, aug. 2014.
ISSN 2477-5665.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.
corpus luteum, follicle, kacang goat, transrectal ultrasonography