Genetic Relationship Between Gembrong Goat, Kacang Goat and Kacang X Etawah Crossbred (PE) Based on Their Mitochondrial DNA
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Gembrong goat is a specific type of goat which has long hair covers its whole body including its neckand face, originated from eastern part of Bali (Karangasem). A study of this type of goat and its relationshipwith other local goats (Kacang and Kacang x Etawah crossbred) was carried out at Sawe village, Jembrana,Bali.. A number of 12 gembrong goats, 3 kacang goats from Kubu village, Karangasem and 3 Kacang xEtawah crossbred goats from Denpasar were used in this study. Blood samples of all goats were collectedfor mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis. PCR amplification of D-loop mitochondrial DNA was carriedout by using two primers i.e. CAP-F (5’-CGTGTATGCAAGTACATTAC -3’) and CAP-R (5’-CTGATTAGTCATTAGTCCATC – 3’) . Sequencing of 550 bp (base-pairs) of mitochondrial DNA (productof PCR) only found one polymorphic site at base number 231 with two haplotypes in gembrong goat only,while the other base-pairs were similar between the three goat types (Gembrong, Kacang and Kacang xEtawah crossbred) .The frequency of haplotype 1 was 83.3% and the frequency of haplotype 2 was 16.7%.It was concluded that based on their mitochondrial DNA sequences and “phylogenic analysis”, the threetypes of goat (Gembrong,Kacang and Kacang xEtawah crossbred) had a very close genetic relationship(kinship).
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LANANG OKA, I Gusti et al.
Genetic Relationship Between Gembrong Goat, Kacang Goat and Kacang X Etawah Crossbred (PE) Based on Their Mitochondrial DNA.
Jurnal Veteriner, [S.l.], p. 180-184, nov. 2012.
ISSN 2477-5665.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.
Gembrong goat, mitochondrial DNA, genetic relationship