Journal of A Sustainable Global South [E-ISSN 2622-058X | P-ISSN 2579-6062 | DOI 10.24843] is a refereed journal which reflecting current problems of global development - climate change, geographic restructuring, migration, adaptive urbanism, social justice and other dominant issues, the journal is focused on issues pertaining to sustainable development of the third world countries in the context of evolving social, cultural, economic and spatial conditions. It therefore embraces studies that deepen our understanding of cultural and socially empathetic forms of development. So its focus is on sustainable living environments, urban and rural growth, economy, spatial restructuring, and infrastructure, the use of resources, as well as disaster mitigation and management. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. The Journal is published twice a year, in February and August, by Institute for Research and Community Services Udayana University.
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