The word Aborigine (Given by the Latin Word Aborigine ,,from the Beginning‘‘) Generally Means Indigenous People.

August 2019

  • Nathalie Ortner Hochschule Ostwestfalen- Lippe


We hope you win your battle... we know what it's like to fight for your rights.“ – Carol Barker, Aborigine (2000). By dreams we mean the belief that these beings long ago started human society - they made all natural things and put them in a special place. These dreaming beings were connected with special places or ways and paths.“ – Aborigine man (2014). We're still living in pain and trauma.“ – Yalmay Yunupingu, Aborigine (2014). If we lose this bond to the country, there will be nothing left. We will be wiped out. We exist as a people through our ancestral land. That is all we are.“ – Adrian Burragubba, Aborigine (2015).

Index Terms— Aborigine, Latin, word.


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How to Cite
ORTNER, Nathalie. The word Aborigine (Given by the Latin Word Aborigine ,,from the Beginning‘‘) Generally Means Indigenous People.. Journal of A Sustainable Global South, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 32-37, aug. 2019. ISSN 2622-058X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: