Kursi Lantai dan Penataan Layout Meningkatkan Work Engagement dan Produktivitas Pekerja Pembuatan Atap Alang-Alang


  • I Kadek Dwi Arta Saputra Magister Ergonomi Fisiologi Kerja Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
  • Susy Purnawati Departemen Ilmu Faal Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
  • Ida Bagus Alit Swamardika Magister Ergonomi Fisiologi Kerja Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
  • Luh Made Indah Sri Handari Adiputra Magister Ergonomi Fisiologi Kerja Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
  • I Gusti Ngurah Priambadi Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
  • I Made Krisna Dinata Departemen Ilmu Faal Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana, Denpasar


Workers making reeds roofs work with a working posture sitting on the floor with a slightly bent back. Intervention by giving floor chairs as a base during work as well as structuring the production process layout. This study aims to improve work engagement and productivity of workers making reeds roofs in Gianyar. The research design used was experimental with randomized pre-posttest control group design involving 16 randomly selected research samples. The subjects in this study were divided into two groups: the control group were workers who worked as usual and the treatment group were workers who worked using floor chairs and structuring the production process layout. Work engagement was recorded using the UWES 17 questionnaire and productivity was recorded from the number of Imperata roofs produced. Data analysis used parametric tests with a value of ? 0.05 for normally distributed data and non-parametric tests for data that were not normally distributed. The results showed a significant difference in work engagement and productivity (p<0.05). In the control group the mean score of work engagement was 50.75 and the productivity was 0.067. Whereas in the treatment group the average score of work engagement was 71.12 and productivity was 0.015. Giving floor chairs and structuring the layout of the production process is proven to increase work engagement by 40.13% and increase productivity by 34.60%. It can be concluded that the application of ergonomics in the form of providing floor chairs and structuring the layout of the production process is proven to increase work engagement and work productivity in workers making reeds roofs.


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How to Cite
SAPUTRA, I Kadek Dwi Arta et al. Kursi Lantai dan Penataan Layout Meningkatkan Work Engagement dan Produktivitas Pekerja Pembuatan Atap Alang-Alang. Jurnal Ergonomi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Ergonomic), [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 1-8, june 2020. ISSN 2503-1716. Available at: <https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/jei/article/view/57933>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.24843/JEI.2020.v06.i01.p01.