• Ni Kadek Nining Laksmi Dewi
  • Ida Bagus Oka Winaya
  • Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) collected from Lead (Pb) polluted water in feed to histopathological changes in pig’s liver and kidney. A total of eight Landrace pigs were used in this study, consisted of four groups: pigs were fed without hyacinth (A), pigs were fed with 2.5% hyacinth (B), pigs were fed with 5.0% hyacinth (C), and pigs were fed with 7.5% hyacinth (D). The sample of dead pigs were dissected at the end of study to examined the liver and kidney. Both organs sample were  immersed in a fixative solution of 10% neutral buffered formalin. The samples were then processed for tissue processing by using Hematoxillin-Eosin method before performing histophatological examination by using 100x, 200x and 400x magnificence under a microscope. Data were then analyzed descriptively by comparing the pathological changes in the liver and kidneys between groups. The results showed that the administration of water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) collected from Lead (Pb) polluted water causes a histopathological changes in the liver and kidneys of Landrace pigs. The changes include degeneration, necrosis and inflammation.


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Author Biographies

Ni Kadek Nining Laksmi Dewi

Veterinarian practitioners in Denpasar

Ida Bagus Oka Winaya

Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Udayana University

Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan

Laboratory of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Udayana University


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How to Cite
DEWI, Ni Kadek Nining Laksmi; WINAYA, Ida Bagus Oka; DHARMAWAN, Nyoman Sadra. LIVER AND KIDNEY HISTOPATOLOGY OF LANDRACE SWINE GIVEN WATER HYACINT FROM LEAD CONTAMINATED WATER. Buletin Veteriner Udayana, [S.l.], feb. 2017. ISSN 2477-2712. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi:


Babi Landrace, eceng gondok, timbal (Pb), histopatologi, hati dan ginjal

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