Hubungan Endorsement oleh Influencer Tiktok dan Intensitas Menonton Tiktok Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Kaum Muda (Studi Kasus Gereja Di Denpasar)

  • Sry Rahayu Sinaga
  • Nazrina Zuryani
  • Imron Hadi Tamim


This study is motivated by the existence of social pressure in maintaining self-image and prestige in the
consumptive behavior of church youth which is seen from its relationship with endorsement and intensity
of watching TikTok. This study aims to determine how significant the relationship of endorsement by
influencers and the intensity of watching TikTok is to consumptive behavior using Baudrillard's theory of
consumption society. The method used is a quantitative paradigm with multi-stage sampling techniques to
respondents totaling 239 people, namely church youth lin lDenpasar. In lorder to provel land thel lrelationship
in data, the validity and reliability tests of the questionnaire items were used, determining the correlation
coefficient (R), classical assumption test, multiple linear regression test as well as the F test and T test. The
results of the t-test at a 5% margin of error show that endorsement by influencers is 1.182 and for the
intensity of watching TikTok is 1.148. Likewise with the F test, where the F-test result is 21.123. The strength
of the relationship formed is at a moderate level with an R of 0.578. While the regression equation model
obtained is Y = 0.392 X1 + 1.015 X2. The resulting coefficient of determination is 33.4% which is the
percentage contribution of variables X1 and X2 to Y. While the other 66.6% is explained by other factors,
namely addiction to watching TikTok. Based on the results of this study, it is strongly recommended that
the variable coefficients of endorsement by TikTok influencers and TikTok viewing intensity do not expand
exponentially towards high intervals.


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How to Cite
SINAGA, Sry Rahayu; ZURYANI, Nazrina; TAMIM, Imron Hadi. Hubungan Endorsement oleh Influencer Tiktok dan Intensitas Menonton Tiktok Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Kaum Muda (Studi Kasus Gereja Di Denpasar). JURNAL ILMIAH SOSIOLOGI: SOROT, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, may 2024. ISSN 2827-914X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 oct. 2024.

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