• Anastesya Hartika Nur Saputri Universitas Udayana
  • I Ketut Junitha Lab Genetika PS Biologi FMIPA UNUD
  • Ida Bagus Made Suaskara PS Biologi FMIPA UNUD


Forensic identification in mass disasters is carried out to determine the identity of the deceased. The identification process is important to provide psychological peace to the family with the certainty of the identity of the victim. Forensic identification methods are divided into primary examination (fingerprints, teeth, DNA) and secondary examination (medical characteristics and properties). This case study aims to determine the identity of flash flood victims in North Luwu, South Sulawesi based on primary and secondary examinations, determine the effect of the duration of the discovery on identification, and determine the further examination of unidentified victims. The research was carried out at the South Sulawesi Police Biddokes DVI post (RS. Hikmah Masamba) on 16-23 July 2020 and DNA examination was carried out at the Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University accompanied by ethical clearance in June-August 2021. The material in In this study was the victims of the flash flood on the North Luwu, there were 40 victims, consisting of 31 victims who had been declared identified, 6 victims were missing or have not been found, and 3 victims had not been identified. Victims who are declared identified are based on the results of the examination (post mortem) which are compared with ante mortem data in accordance with the identification principle of Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization). Thirty-one victims identified were subjected to primary and/or secondary examination, of which 20 victims were identified by secondary examination and 11 victims were identified by primary and secondary examination, and 3 victims who had not been identified were conducted to DNA primary examination. Based on the results of DNA examination, it was found that the suspect's family was most likely a relative with one of the victims with a PM number 008.


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How to Cite
NUR SAPUTRI, Anastesya Hartika; JUNITHA, I Ketut; SUASKARA, Ida Bagus Made. IDENTIFIKASI FORENSIK BERDASARKAN PEMERIKSAAN PRIMER DAN SEKUNDER SEBAGAI PENENTU IDENTITAS KORBAN. SIMBIOSIS, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 1-14, mar. 2023. ISSN 2337-7224. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: