Karakteristik Kekerasan Perunggu Sebagai Material Gambelan Pada Proses Casting Pembuatan Gambelan Bali

  • Dewa Nyoman Tri Astawa Putra
  • I.K.G Sugita
  • DNK Putra Negara


Bronze is an alloy material of copper (Cu) with tin (Sn), generally bronze is the material used in making gambelan. Making
gambelan goes through several process stages, namely casting, forging and heat treatment. The gambelan manufacturing
process greatly influences the mechanical properties produced. Casting is a manufacturing process in which metal materials
are melted and molded to produce a product that approximates the geometric shape of the product. This research uses testing
of mechanical properties, especially hardness in the casting process. Stages in the process casting manufacturing, has almost
the same value in all three tones, the highest hardness value is obtained in the dang tone with a value of 138.33 VHN and in
the dong tone it obtains a hardness value of 137.23 VHN, in the ding tone it obtains a hardness value of 138.40 VHN.
Keywords: bronze, casting,hardness


PUTRA, Dewa Nyoman Tri Astawa; SUGITA, I.K.G; NEGARA, DNK Putra. Karakteristik Kekerasan Perunggu Sebagai Material Gambelan Pada Proses Casting Pembuatan Gambelan Bali. Teknik Desain Mekanika, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 3, july 2024. ISSN 2302-5182. Tersedia pada: <https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/mekanika/article/view/118471>. Tanggal Akses: 04 mar. 2025