• Agil Yanuar Juliarto
  • Ketut Astawa
  • Made Sucipta


The geographical location that affects the course of the sun makes Indonesia experience a tropical climate that results in
receiving solar radiation almost all year round. One of the purposes of utilizing solar energy is for drying. Although natural
drying is often used, it is less effective as it takes place in open fields and is affected by weather changes that can hinder the
drying of crops and increase the risk of contamination with chemicals, dust, and dirt. Therefore, there is an interest to utilize
the potential of solar energy by using a solar collector device that aims to collect heat by keeping the hot air clean during the
drying process. This study aims to improve the performance of a flat plate solar collector using an underflow absorber with
hollow transverse fins of square shape arranged staggered by experimental method. This experiment was conducted to
observe the fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena occurring in the solar collector. To improve the performance of the solar
collector, variations will be given with a mass flow rate variation of 0.0009; 0.0019; and 0.0023 kg/s at a temperature of
32 ?C. The results showed that in a flat plate solar collector with hollow transverse fins in the shape of a square arranged
staggered there is a temperature distribution from the reflection of the glass to the bottom plate of the collector. The
temperature distribution phenomenon that occurs in solar collectors is found that the low mass flow rate makes the
temperature in the collector section higher than the high mass flow rate. The highest useful energy was obtained in the ?.3
variation with useful energy of 50.45 W and the highest efficiency of 8.93%. The average useful energy and average
efficiency are in the ?,3 variation of 33.47 W and 5.76%. This shows that the variation in mass flow rate has a significant
difference in value to the temperature distribution in the collector section, useful energy, and efficiency of the solar collector
Keywords: Hollow transverse fin, Square cavity, Staggered, Temperature distribution, Useful energy, Efficiency.


JULIARTO, Agil Yanuar; ASTAWA, Ketut; SUCIPTA, Made. ANALISIS PERFORMA KOLEKTOR SURYA PELAT DATAR DENGAN SIRIP MELINTANG BERONGGA DISUSUN STAGGERED. Teknik Desain Mekanika, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 3, july 2024. ISSN 2302-5182. Tersedia pada: <>. Tanggal Akses: 24 feb. 2025


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