Analisa Kebutuhan Bahan Bakar Gas LPG Untuk Insinerator Limbah Medis Dual Chamber Oxy-Fuel Dengan Variasi Laju Volume Air Yang Diinjeksikan

  • I Made Pasek Purnama
  • I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya
  • I Wayan Arya Darma
  • I Putu Angga Yuda Pratama


This study aims to evaluate the consumption of LPG gas fuel in an oxy-fuel dual chamber incinerator with
variations in the injected water flow rate. Each sample of medical waste weighing 1 kg was used in the
experiments. The incineration process was carried out at a primary chamber temperature of 800°C and a
secondary chamber temperature of 1000°C, with a burning duration of 3 minutes. Four different water flow
rates were tested: 20 ml/minute, 30 ml/minute, 40 ml/minute, and 50 ml/minute. In each variation, an oxy-fuel
injection rate of 8 l/minute was used. Careful adjustment of the water flow rate is crucial as excessive water
addition can disrupt the burner's performance. By optimizing this adjustment, the industry can achieve the best
efficiency and performance in medical waste treatment while reducing the environmental impact.
Keywords: Dual Chamber Incinerator, Gas Fuel Consumption, Volume Flow Rate, Medical Waste, Medical
Waste Treatment, Oxy-Fuel Injection.


PASEK PURNAMA, I Made et al. Analisa Kebutuhan Bahan Bakar Gas LPG Untuk Insinerator Limbah Medis Dual Chamber Oxy-Fuel Dengan Variasi Laju Volume Air Yang Diinjeksikan. Teknik Desain Mekanika, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 4, oct. 2023. ISSN 2302-5182. Tersedia pada: <>. Tanggal Akses: 11 mar. 2025


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